My Favorite Four Plus One!

My heart belongs to these beautiful people~

Friday, June 25, 2010

Why Not to blog or FB

So I guess it has been about a month since I blogged and I have felt sad that I haven't kept up but  I needed a break....I also had an interesting talk recently with some friends about the different social networking sites and was confronted with some internal questions as to why I blog and Facebook.  It does certainly meet some kind of need.  A need to pry, be nosey, brag, get attention, etc.  I think the different social networking sites and blogging certainly for many fill this need and I must admit that me being a "words of affirmation" type girl...this might also be true.  My heart's desire is not to brag or be boastful (side note...I love my husband for this....he is never boastful and I truly admire him for this) but I suppose that it may seem that way at times so I took a little break from blogging because for one it was causing pressure....I didn't always want to blog about every little detail but felt the need for some reason to document our entire life on paper (most likely a way to scrapbook in some round a bout way...its easier than scrapbooking and people you want to see it can very easily) and I just got tired of facebook is a different very addicting story...I like it...I must admit.  I like hearing about what other people are doing with their families, I like the pictures...I like getting excited about something and sharing it with people that I might not neccesarily call on the phone but I trying to call attention to myself...well maybe, so God is working on me and I'm wondering if I might be called away from social networking for awhile or maybe just to lay off for awhile....not sure yet....My husband for all his great qualities is not a talker and in some ways the networking sites allow me to stay connected with people at a distance but when he is not here at night...give me a little entertainment and adut conversation...I don't know...this is what I am rolling around right now in my brain and in my heart.....we will see......I did go on Facebook and "defriend" people that I would never talk to on a one on one basis.  I have to admit that its kind of fun to brag on your kids and tell about what you are doing with your family but do we need to know what each other are doing....I don't know but I really like knowing that my friend made biscuits with her grandma and that my other friend from work just got a puppy....I guess it is silly and useless information but fun as well.  Its weird too because some girls at work now (after seeing my family pics and all) have sought me out to ask about how we run our family and what my marriage is like, etc.  I have known these girls for years and talk to them at work all the time but since we all became friends on FB, its like they see something different or appealing that makes them want to ask me questions.....who knows......its certainly something I am thinking about and it may be an end to my FB/blogging career because I do not want to be boastful....

John wants me to continue to blog...and I do want to write about our homeschool adventures...I'm thinking....and right now will write as I feel led :) 

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

The Loop!

When I decided to homeschool, my friend Ann gave me a couple of quick recommendations...the first thing she said was to get plugged into the Tallahassee Christian Homeschoolers Forum.   I had no idea what that was but she got me signed up and I LOVE IT!  It is a basic google forum group.  The people that are in the group can send out mass posts to everyone else and then you can reply, etc.  I get anywhere from 10-30 emails a day.......Some I erase right away, some I browse, and some I use....basic rules of the group are I believe have to be a homeschooler or involved in home education in some way and you are not allowed to post any vulgarity or unkindness...and there is some heated debate over certain subjects but I've never noticed it getting ugly.  Topics range from co-op meetings to "what kind of snake is this in my backyard", to the sales at Publix, to curriculum choices, to how to make your own laundry detergent, to baking bread, to field trips, to extra-curricular activities, to free movie days, to politics, to religious freedoms, to vacation opportunities, and on and on.  I have never been a part of a more diverse, frugal, knowledgeable, entertaining, inquisitive group of women.......It is truly amazing.  I can't tell you how impressed I am by the homeschooling moms that I have met, talked to, emailed, listened to.  Homeschooling moms will find out the answer to a question if they don't know...believe me!  I love the curiosity and exchange of knowledge that takes place between this group of people.  So far I have sold two box springs, girls clothes, and old TV, and baby stuff through the loop, given advice on getting a Tilt Table Test done, joined a Vegetable Co-OP via the loop, bought organic sugar and honey granules to bake with through a lady on the loop, found a blueberry picking farm to take the kids to, have many fun and educational field trips in mind due to recomendations, have visited a chicken farm and recently bought 2 organic chickens from "loop" members, been to a used book sale, attended a curriculum symposium, have mentally planned a vacation to Virginia to study American History after getting an awesome email about vacation spots in Williamsburg, etc., have received numerous curriculum helps, and have signed Emily and I up for a sewing class .....all from info I received through the loop! And it is amazing to also hear of the wonderful service these ladies do to help others....One family has literally gotten two homeless sisters off the streets and now have helped them get jobs, a car, and a place to live.  I am truly blessed by being a part of the loop and am super glad that I am in the "loop" so that I get to hear about so many new and amazing opportunities.