My Favorite Four Plus One!

My heart belongs to these beautiful people~

Friday, December 31, 2010

Book Review

My mom bought me a very interesting book for Christmas seeing as though I'm a reader now :)  The book is called Last Child in the Woods by Richard Louv.  I have only read through the intro and one chapter so far but it is great so far and so interesting...It says on the cover, "Saving our children from nature-deficit disorder."  My mom got it for me because she appreciates how John and I like to be outside, go camping, and she, I believe, wanted to encourage this as much as possible...

I post this picture for this reason.....this is totally what kids need to be doing...exploring, getting dirty, learning their way in the outdoors, laughing and getting into "trouble."  On the first and last day of our recent camping trip these 8 kids did nothing but play in the woods for hours....they loved every minute of it, got so stinkin dirty, and laughed the whole time!  The author of the above book would be proud of the parents of these kids :)  Yes, we let them run wild in a campground, somehow get stuck on the hillside, they had to send for help, they slid down the side of a mountain, had to stand on each other to get out of the branches, use all of their muscles to hold on tight, and fell in the mud but they had a ball doing it!  Emily and John Daniel talked NONSTOP about their adventures all the way home and told my parents and my brother that night all about their crazy "dangerous" experience.  I really wish I had them telling about it on video! 

Here is an exerpt from the above mentioned book:
"Americans around my age, baby boomers or older, enjoyed a kind of free, natural play that seems, in the era of kid pagers, instant messaging, and Nintendo, like a quaint artifact.  Within the space of a few decades, the way children understand and experience nature has changed radically.  The polarity of the relationship has reversed.  Today, kids are aware of the global threats to the environment--but their physical contact, their intimacy with nature, is fading.  That's exactly the opposite of how it was when I was a child.  As a boy, I was unaware that my woods were ecologically connected with any other forests.  Nobody in the 1950s talked about acid rain or holes in the ozone layer or global warming.  But I knew my woods and my fields.  I knew every bend in the creek and dip in the beaten dirt paths.   I wandered those woods even in my dreams.  A kid today can likely tell you about the Amazon rain forest--but not about the last time he or she explored the woods in solitude or lay in a field listening to the wind watching the clouds move.  Not that long ago, summer camp was a place where you camped and hiked in the woods, learned about plants and nature, told firelight stories about mountain lions.  As likely as not today, Summer camp is a weight loss camp or a computer camp.  For a new generation, nature is more abstraction than reality.  Increasingly, nature is something to watch, to consume, to wear---to ignore!  Our society is teaching young people to avoid direct experience in nature.  Although, several studies suggest that thoughtful exposure of youngsters to nature can be a powerful tool too and form of therapy to kids with disorders like ADD.  One scientist put it, we can now assume that just as children need good nutrition and adequate sleep, they may very well need contact with nature!" 

For the most part, I say well "DUH" to a lot of these concepts but many don't really understand and I need to be reminded of this especially since my children did just get a video gaming system for Christmas!  It is also nice to read that camping, hiking, and playing outside which we so dearly love is something that will truly benefit my kids on so many diferent levels...oh and Backyard chickens may actually be beneficial to them physiologically and phychologically.....woo hoo!!! 

Thursday, December 30, 2010

Best week ever!

I want to write about this week because it has been one of the most relaxing, care free, fun, peaceful, dreamy weeks ever!  I have always wanted Christmastime to be "dreamy" and playing and enjoying each other's company but it seems to be too busy every year....this week starting the Sunday after Christmas has been wonderful!  Starting Sunday, we have slept in EVERY morning until 9 am!  We have been out to eat a good bit but used gift cards or benefited from Kids Eat Free nights....We saw snow flurries in the church parking lot at church on Sunday.  I worked on Monday but when I got home, I went to dinner with my extended family while John went and played cards with some friends.  On Tuesday we said goodbye to John's sister and spent time outside and inside...everyday we have had a fire in the fireplace at some point!  We went and saw the cutest Disney movie ever...Tangled on Tuesday afternoon.  My mom graciously kept Molly twice for us on Tuesday.  Tangled was great for the whole family!  I cried and laughed!
Tuesday night we attended the FSU women's basketball game against UF!  A couple of months ago we had met the Assistant Coach at a friend's house.  She is super nice and was stoked that both my kids were playing basketball with Upward.  She offered us tickets anytime we wanted them.  I called my friend and she asked Coach Cory for us and sure enough she got us tickets....It was a GREAT experience.  We took my Dad and Uncle John along and they even had a great time.  It is family oriented, fast paced, fun, loud, entertaining and we all just had a great time.  We even ran into some friends that have season tickets! 

John and I had a great has been so nice being OFF together for several days in a row with no real plans!  We have slept in front of the fireplace, watched movies, etc!  Good times!  On Wednesday we called around to a few friends and ended up getting together with a family for a play date...I took the boys and she took the girls.  These are new friends to us and we love this sweet family.  The boy and J.D. don't know each other that well and the boy is about 1 1/2 years younger than J.D. but they had so much fun together.  John was outside working on a project so they stayed outside for three hours straight playing in the sand box, tree house and with all of J.D.'s tools!  John went back to work on Wednesday night and I went to the Seinyard with my family and out of town relatives!  We took John some food at work afterwards and went and picked up one of Emily's friends (very last minute plans) so she could spend the night!  I love when last minute plans work out perfectly!  The girls included J.D. so well and I never heard a complaint!  They had fun playing on their DSi video games and all watched Romana and Beezus together...oh and ate cookies and ice cream! 

Today we woke up very late and had a late breakfast of cheesy eggs and Dunkin Donut donut holes that John so generously brought home when he came home from work. After playing and getting dressed, we met some more friends at the Tallahassee Junior Museum.  Emily's friend went with us and we took some snacks.  This has got to be one of the best presents my parent's have ever given us...we got in free with our membership and used our guest passes for our friends!  The museum has a new playground and new walkways and the kids have a blast walking around the trails! 

I love the trees in this picture!

The kids of all ages got along just fabulous!

This week John was able to get a project almost complete...fencing in the chickens so they don't tear up the yard!  We now have a chicken fence that isn't the prettiest in the world but does the job and when I walked out today, I kind of felt like I owned a farm (which is a good thing)....and it will allow us to keep the chickens and spruce up the backyard in the spring!

Tonight John paid for me to have a babysitter to go out to dinner with some good girlfriends from church.  We ate out and then I went to the NEW publix all by myself!  It was a nice girls night nice to just sit and chat and eat slowly!  The babysitter told me that my children were so sweet and that was nice to hear when I returned! This is John's last night and we will drive over to Madison tomorrow to stay with friends, watch the FSU football game and celebrate the New Year with fellowship and food....with yet another set of wonderful friends!  We will end our weekend with church on Sunday and a final play date on Monday with more fabulous friends.  We are very blessed and I'm a little sad that our very relaxing week will end on Monday (J.D. doesn't go back to school until Tuesday!)  The time this week with our friends and family has been awesome!  This is what my dreamy Christmas always looked like.....  :)

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Our Christmas

Can you tell John is back at work...time for computer, photo, blog, email, facebook catch up!  I don't think I've turned the computer on in the past four days...

Our Christmas......I emerged from all the nasty, wet, dirty camping laundry to shop and prepare for Christmas plus work three days, take a kid to the doctor, take care of a sick husband and visit with my brother...It was a crazy week to say the least leading up to Christmas..due to our large car repair bill the week before, John and I had put off buying a whole lot prior to figuring out the problem with the van in fear that they would tell us it needed a whole new computer system or after our fun weekend camping trip, I had a LOT to do.  Luckily, John told me a long time ago that we weren't not going to go crazy on gifts and to keep it simple.  I had my list, checked it twice and stuck to it for the most part....the extended part of my family lost out big time...they got pictures and picture books of my kids....hope they like those smiling faces as much as I do because that's ALL they got!  John and I did too much for each other...but I really LOVE my gift! See I totally busted my camera a few weeks ago and so my very generous husband bought me a new one that I just love and he also got me a really nice Bose IPOD docking station that I have been wanting so that we can listen to our great music around the house!  I mean he took the dang TV out of the living room, a girl can't have the house too quiet...I need some type of noise to drown out the constant chaos of kiddos :)  I digress...Molly came home from camping with an ear infection and upper respiratory infection and John came home with the stomach bug!  Monday was bad, well not bad, but not what I expected!  Tuesday I had a nice dinner with my parents and brother and then the four of us went shopping at the mall...I think that might have been the first time I've been to the mall without kids in over a year or maybe parents gave me the best present of all...they paid for my babysitting!  It was a nice evening!  Wednesday was spent shopping, doing errands, and sewing, and my big time lawyer brother bought me and the kids lunch (this was exciting!), I worked on Thursday and then.....CHRISTMAS EVE was here before I even knew it!  John worked but we decided to have all of John's family over for an appetizer type dinner in between him waking up and going back to work...I cooked all day long!!!!  I was organized so I knew exactly what I wanted to do but not having John awake to help with Molly and housework, etc was a little stressful but we pulled it off and had a fabulous time.  The food was yummy if I do say so myself, the kids had fun opening their goodies from their grandparents and Aunt Eve and spending time with cousins!  John's mom even played us some Christmas carols on the piano and we all made cookies for Santa! 

Christmas morning was nice and relaxing...John was going on no sleep but he didn't complain a bit!  The kids all piled in our bed that morning and we talked about why we celebrate Christmas, what was really important and how John and I were so thankful for them and our family and what God has blessed us with!  In the busyness of the camping trip and our crazy week, I had gotten behind on our Advent study which in my mind means total failure on my part but two days before (the 22nd) John Daniel came into the living room and told John that he wanted to ask Jesus into his heart!  So God once again shows me over and over that He can work through us and in despite of us! God is good all the time and even though I got behind on my to do list, God doesn't need me to be perfect!  AMEN! 

 The kids were totally surprised by their gifts, especially J.D. since he didn't even ask for what he got!  John Daniel is always so hard to buy for, he doesn't really ask for anything...he lists all kinds of stuff but he doesn't really desire anything special....They both got DSi video doesn't mean a whole lot to me...I hate video games and I'm terrible with technology like that but Emily wanted one soooo bad.  It records, takes pictures, plays games, plays music, downloads games, music, goes on the Internet, will talk to another DS, and they can play against each other in certain games!  John has had fun with them.  Emily also got some skates, clothes, and some little stuff from us and Santa.  John Daniel got a MP3 player, clothes, shoes, and other little stuff.  Molly got an American Girl Bitty Baby, a potty, and a grocery cart from us and Santa.  The fun thing was that Emily knows about Santa and she would come up to us periodically and whisper, "Mommy and Daddy, I really like my presents!" or "Thank you soooo much for my DS!"  It was sweet!  We cooked breakfast and enjoyed each other! 

When we got over to my parents, we visited with my brother and Grandparents and opened a whole new set of presents!  Emily got some cute pajamas, a locket necklace and tons of other stuff...John Daniel got his own custom made golf clubs, a remote control helicopter, Lego's, etc.  Molly got an American Girl wagon to put her baby in and they all got pillow pets!  My brother got them all Converse All Star tennis shoes which they LOVE!  We had a really good time with family and shared some special moments.....we played our new board game and shared some laughs!  One of the best things that Emily and I accomplished was using our new sewing skills to make Christmas presents!  She sewed 10 pillowcases and 2 throw pillows for family Christmas presents.  We went to JoAnn's and picked out material to fit each person's likes and they turned out really neat!  John and I were really proud of her!  Now for the slew of pictures right :)  Hey, I know I'm a picture-a-holic...if you notice my new blog design....I've professed that I am a "pathological picture taker"....Merry Christmas!

P.S.  Unfortunately, since my camera was busted the only pictures from Christmas Eve that I have is off my phone and they won't  upload :)

Getting into the spirit!

The weekend before Christmas we went to Callaway Gardens with some special friends and my parents.  One of the families had never been before (I think we have been over 8 times!) so it is always fun to see something in a "newbies" perspective.  We stayed at FDR State Park which is actually a very lovely state park....beautiful trees, hills, leaves, lakes...etc.  We've stayed at the park once before as a family (I've stayed many times as a child) but the highlight was getting to stay around the park and let the kids play...they had a blast!  We had some great campsites where the kids had free range of the hills and valleys....they played for hours on the last day...just climbing and running and hiding and getting stuck which is a whole other story...

We also visited Callaway Gardens and did the butterfly exhibit, day center, birds of prey show, and indoor greenhouse gardens.  And we ended Saturday night on the very cold Jolly Trolley seeing hundreds of lights on display!  My favorite is the snowflake scene.  The kids all had a blast, the camping was a little rough due to some rain and cold...(I ended up at the hotel with my parents and Molly the second night because Molly was coughing) but all and all it was a great way to get in the Christmas Spirit!

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