My Favorite Four Plus One!

My heart belongs to these beautiful people~

Monday, March 28, 2011

The Gaylord

While I'm on a roll...the ones of you that get these in your email are going to be sick of me :)  

Speaking of home schooling...3 other fabulous home schooling moms and I are traveling to Orlando in May to the Florida Home School Convention.  It is the 2nd largest convention in the Nation!  We get to stay at the fancy Gaylord Hotel  where the convention is being held!  This will be a very inspiring girls trip! We are all very excited about getting our hands on all the books...there are over 100 vendors with books and curriculum and 40 or more speakers!  I'm stoked!  Maybe we will even get a pedicure in or a soak in the hot tub!

Pre planning

Tomorrow is the local school district's teacher's planning got me thinking about my own planning for next year.  We have decided to go ahead and home school J.D. along with Emily.  I'm looking forward to having everyone home.  I think it will be good for E to see that I'm not just on her all the time...It is the home school world, it seems like as soon as Christmas is over, moms start thinking about the next year...what to change, what to do, books to buy, curriculum to check out..etc.  It is certainly all the buzz in the circles that I am in.  We are going to do a few different things for next school year.  Over the summer, my plan is to continue math and other subjects until we are "done" with what I want to accomplish.  I think schooling all year round may work better for us as a family.  Math is something that I think Emily will need to do year around and as with anyone, it is easier to keep up and remember things when you work on them a little everyday!  I want to do a creation study with them over the summer as well.  We will continue book club as well. 

John and I have decided to try a classical co-op called Classical Conversations.  It is actually a national home school curriculum and we happen to have a very strong group in town.  They meet every Monday for three hours.  4-6 grades can extend their day 2 or 3 extra hours but that is optional.  It is a tuition based co-op where tutors are "hired" to teach the classical method of learning.  I have been interested in the classical method but like anything there are pros and cons. For instance, can we do classical at home...sure but as human nature prevails, unless you really really know how to teach the curriculum, it would be very hard to just start new and do it yourself.  You have to know the little songs, the trivium way of teaching, etc.  I think it is possible though.  From what I have read, a classical style of teaching involves filling the minds with lots of info, pouring a lot into a child and realizing that they are like sponges, they will soak a majority of it up.  The idea is that at an early age, they may not understand it, but it is like pegs of knowledge that are stored in the brain.  Think of a child that so easily memorizes scripture or a song...and then think of us adults trying to do the is much much harder!  The classical method says that as a first grader, the child may not understand exactly what they are memorizing but then 3 years down the road, when they go through the same material and hear the same words, phrases, triggers that previous knowledge, they remember a little bit about whatever it is, it builds confidence, makes it fun, and the second time they hear it...they grasp even more.  I like the concept...I seem to fall right in the middle of all these different methods when I look at different home school curricula and styles...I like the structure and knowledge gained by the classical style...I like that every kid gets the same info...I like the freedom and love of learning that the Charlotte mason style seems to represent and the living books and classical literature is amazing..and I like the normal, old fashioned math and grammar of textbook teaching.  But that is the great thing about home schooling I guess, I get to pick! 

With Classical Conversations the kids will get Bible, History, Grammar, Latin, Science, Geography, Timeline, Art, Music, and Math.  Next years cycle includes US History: Columbus to Current Events, Anatomy and Chemistry, American Masters in Art and drawing, Composers and Music Theory, Participles, irregular verbs, tenses, and clauses in English, translation of John 1 in Latin, Multiplication Tables, conversions, geometric formulas, and memorization of John 1: 1-7.  That makes me tired even thinking of it and that might be why I am drawn to seems so rich in content and maybe I'm just needing that for myself right now...the idea is that they get this info and pegs of knowledge on Mondays and then the parent draws on that the rest of the week.  The parent joins the students in their class on Mondays so the parent knows exactly what is going on...and I get to learn all this stuff too!  I still can manipulate it anyway I want....we can do as much or as little to dive into the material and it is somewhat of a classroom setting for one day of the know listening to others, sitting still, paying attention to peers, taking turns, presenting a verbal report, etc.  I like that I will get to participate with the kids in a group session and sing and learn with them...We will try it and see :)  One of my favorite things about home schooling is that we can change the way we do things, try new ways, rearrange our schedules, etc.  There is so much flexibility!  I love love love it!  And the cool thing is that NO homeschooling family is the same!  They have also asked John to teach some CPR and First Aid classes for the kids!

I think we will also change our Math curriculum next year, continue book club (we will be doing biographies), Do the Exploring creation with Anatomy living book to go along with the co-op, I'm looking into Total Language Plus for E and sticking with Abeka for J.D. since that is what he started to read with in Kindergarten.  It could all change is only March. 

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Field Trip # FIVE

New Look!

My blog has a new look!  Take a tour sometime...I've put some new gadgets!  Sign up by email to my blog...leave a the "interesting" button...follow us!  I'm hoping to use this blog while on our extended vacation to do daily trip updates!  Now that I have a handy dandy laptop..this might actually happen!  I kind of have a love hate relationship with the blog takes time but then when I post something...I get this great gratifying feeling of accomplishing something!  I like the neatness, prettiness, and organized detail of it all!  Did I just use a million dots and an exclamation point after every sentence?

Field Trip # FOUR!

I think I've posted before that we have a Compassion International friend that we support and write to.  Our local Compassion Advocates have set up writing "get togethers" where we all get together and write our friends and learn more about how to pray for them and minister to them.  We meet at the local Fuzions Yogurt...the kids love making Dibora pretty things!  In fact, it is almost her to get these things in the mail!

Field Trip # THREE!

The local Chick-fil-a is hosting back stage tours and I thought since we eat there so often, it would be a great field trip!

We got to see the whole operation!

The kids felt like superstars with backstage passes and hats!

 And they got to make their own ice cream!  That was a big hit!

Project # TWO

Not really a project but another activity and a good one...the church's annual mother/daughter tea!  This year's theme was You are God's Masterpiece!  We discussed how God is concerned about what goes in your mind, the condition of your heart, and what comes out of your lips!  It was a great time for Emily and I!

Field Trip ONE!

We have had a BUSY March....this was project #1!  As a family went to the Florida Baptist Children's Home and did yard clean up.  It was a perfet family much as I talk about Molly being crazy..she was awesome for us while we worked for 3 hours.  She just played and helped rake leaves!  It was a beautiful day and my kids worked so hard. 

Emily's Presidential 9th Birthday!

Boots and a spa visit

John and I don't usually celebrte Valentine's Day with big gifts or extravagant dinners...but this year we both spent a little money and made each other's week!  John and Emily went shopping for me for a Teacher's Appreciation gift...Emily saw on the CCS sign down the street from us that Teacher's Appreciation week was the week of Valentine's Day.  They got me a spa gift certificate for a hair cut and an hour wonderful and such a surprise!  John has been wanting boots like ALL his life...I really think he wants to be a we went boot shopping at Carol's Boot Country and found him the perfect pair..He loves them!  John doesn't get overly excited about too many things but I could tell he was super excited about his new boots! 

Saturday, March 26, 2011

We are buying a cow! eat that is!  My dear friend's husband has raised a steer from calf to adult and is now going to sell it for meat locally.  We have our name on 1/4 of it...the picture below is the steer's "brother" that was in a livestock show we went to see in Quincy.

They wash and groom these animals like it is a beauty pageant!


This steer is getting blown dry and it's hooves painted!

Baby chicks to teens

Back in February John decided to get 6 baby chicks from the Ace Hardware in Woodville.  They had the breeds that he has ALWAYS weird!  Ha ha!  His thought was to get 6 babies in case that some of them didn't survive and if they all survived, then we would give them away...

Well the chicks have grown and grown and are now was time to find them a new home.  The kids named them all of course....Riptoid, Reeces, Charlotte, Franny, Pepper, and Eleanor.  We ended up giving three of them away to our friends in Madison that have chickens (so we can visit them)...and our big Hen, Brownie, was taken to another friends' farm.  That leaves us with 5 all together. 

So we said goodbye last week to 4 of our was a little sad I have to admit!  We have heard they are all doing well and adjusting!  I can almost guarantee they aren't being spoiled like my hubby was spoiling them here!