My Favorite Four Plus One!

My heart belongs to these beautiful people~

Thursday, May 22, 2014

3 months old already....

These are all pictures off my phone that I would snap here and there but it basically shows Caroline's life chronologically over the past 3 months...She was 4 or 5 days here out at our first trip to Costco...and first time using our ergo sport carrier! 

First family walk!

Emily didn't think we had enough girl clothes for Caroline since we didn't know her gender pre-birth so she convinced her daddy to take her to Target one day so she could use her own Target Birthday gift card to buy baby girl clothes...this is the outfit she came home with.  What a sweet and stylish big sister!

One of my favorite pictures ever!

One month old here at the doctor!

One of her first smiles:)

First bottle the day mommy went back to work....sniff sniff

smile after passing really loud gas in church bible study

Easter 2014

The traditional dying of eggs

My Godmother from the time I can remember has given me eggs at Easter time...she looks for very special ones that are meaningful or pretty or that I have kids, she gives my kids each a special Easter Egg each year!

Easter has always been John's grandmother's favorite holiday...She passed away two years ago and now his parents have continued the big egg hunt like she always had at her house.  Since there are 10 grandchildren now, it makes for a good time.  The grown ups hide about 350 eggs...and we never find them all at the end!  John ran out of places to hide eggs so he decided to tape one on his Dad's cat....

Aunt Edi had games planned this year....egg relay and egg toss.  There was lots of laughter!  It was truly hilarious watching the kids of all ages participate!

J.D. always has his tongue out when he is concentrating....

Papa and John Daniel were partners and got the furthest without breaking the egg...they won and kept going to see how far they could get apart....and finally it busted!

empty tomb rolls

The church's annual family Easter egg hunt

For dinner one night, I tried a pinterst cute!

Caroline is over the activities of the day....