My Favorite Four Plus One!

My heart belongs to these beautiful people~

Friday, December 19, 2008

Shift Work

John and I have worked shift work since we were 19 or 20 years old. It is our way of life. To most people, friends and family, it is crazy! They believe we have terrible schedules and hectic lives and confusing days BUT it is our way of life and to us it doesn't seem that bad most of the time. In the past, especially when we were first married, it was kind of crazy. Both of us were working night shift and John did 24 hour shifts in Wakulla County but since having Emily we are in more of a routine. John works 12 hour day shifts which is 7 am-7pm. It is a rotating schedule, 4 days on, 4 days off, 6 days on, 4 days off, 4 days on, 6 days off. I know there are ups and downs to working shift work, one of which would be that John has to work Christmas this year and he has to work 2 out of 3 weekends but there are positives as well. We love and have said many times that it is a blessing that John is able to be such a big part of the kids everyday life. He takes them to school, he volunteers at school, does craft day at school, chaperones field trips, gets to know their teachers, goes to most performances, has six days off for us to go out of town, makes them dinner, lunch, or breakfast, spends extra time with them, takes Emily on dates, etc. It really is a benefit. I also work part time and when John is at home somedays, I go to work between 4 and 6 hours. This works for us and there is always one of us here to do whatever the kids need. It is crazy at times and somedays I wonder if the kids know who is coming or going, but my mom reminded me, it doesn't matter, they always know one of you is going to be there and they don't have to go to afterschool or a babysitter or go home with friends. They also get to go out somedays in the middle of the week with daddy in the middle of the day when most other daddys are working. John and John Daniel like to go to Home Depot together! Today John has an interview for a promotion at work. I am thrilled for him and so proud of my husband. This promotion would put him into a Captains position at work. This a big leap upwards in his career as well as a pay increase...he would actually be on salary and not get paid by the hour. Anyways, one of the captains positions they are trying to fill is a night shift supervisor position. He would be back on nights but still rotate days. The other captains position would put him in the office Mon-Fri 8-5. I am actually worried about this job more than that night time job. I'm not sure what it will be like if we have a daddy that has "normal" hours. Anyways, I know John is qualified for the Job and I know all he wants is to do is do well in the interview. He has really taken a lot of time to prepare including talking to his friend Brian who is in the professional buisiness world and does a lot of interviewing. We've talked about his strengths and weaknesses and gone over his resume. I love John more than anything and I know that a Man's job has a lot of pull on his identity so of course I want him to do well. We prayed together last night that he would do well in the interview, speak clearly and confidently no matter what the outcome. One day there will be another Captain's position available and we know God knows what is best for our family and for John's career. Maybe there are some more lives out there for John to save and more people for him to impact!

John wore nice tan dress pants, white shirt, yellow striped tie, and a blue suit coat to the interview. This morning the kids said to him..."Daddy you look like a real boat captatin" per J.D. and Emily, "No he looks like a pilot!" I say he looked like a sexy frat boy! Whatever he looked like, he was dressed to impress! We love you Daddy!

1 comment:

  1. We are excited for him!! Please let us know how it goes!!
