My Favorite Four Plus One!

My heart belongs to these beautiful people~

Monday, January 19, 2009

Failure to Favorable

Well today was a rough day...I end the day feeling much like a failure in that I have had a bad attitude all day long, yelled at my kids, been bossy and well pretty much ***chy all day long! I know I could blame it on hormones but I really honestly think it was me being selfish and not having much patience and well not asking God for these things. So a friend of mine and me today were talking about this over our Bible Study today...I was feeling guilty and asking for prayer and all and she reminded me that our former pastor used to say something along the lines of setting your attitude in the right direction makes all the difference. (this was not the exact words but something like it). So for tommorrow I want to feel less like a failure and be more favorable in my children's eyes, my husband's eyes, and more importantly God's eyes.

Tommorrow my goal is:

To open the Bible First thing in the morning and ask God for help just for this day!

To speak more kindly to my children

To get the laundry caught up (for anyone that knows me, this is certainly a hard thing for me)

To serve my husband by doing at least ONE thing that would make his day easier

My goal is to set my sights on a better attitude and a better day tommorrow!

1 comment:

  1. Let me know how it goes. I started today reading a scripture verse to Ellie and praising God the best way I know how. And asking God not to let my situations affect my attitude :) I am praying right now for you . . .
