I will have to say that in thinking about homeschooling my kids one day (maybe for middle school), I get giggly at the thought of not having to do homework except I guess you are doing work with them for several hours, it just won't seem like the dreaded HOMEWORK...I don't know, just different I guess..homework just seems so difficult for youngsters. They are at school all day long and then you have to make them come home and sit still again and work on more work. I mean I see the reason for it but it is annoying all the same. Emily doesn't hate it but it is a process that we go through...finding a crayon, finding a pencil, sharpening a pencil, concentrating, reading the directions and so on. I get this great magazine called Family Fun magazine. It has great ideas for all kinds of things from recipes to crafts to presents etc. They had this "homework" station idea made out of science fair backboards. Everything is attached to the boards and easy to set up and then take down. I loved the idea and knew Emily would get into it. I made them as a surprise for the kids. They have their own stapler, tape, glue stick, markers, colored pencils, ruler, crayons, clips, push pins, calendar, pencils, etc. They love their space and boards. They have been playing "office" for two weeks now. They have them set up in the dining and living room with play phones and stuff. From what I gather, Emily owns an art shop where she makes custom made pieces and J.D. has a neighboring art store as well that makes "boy art." Their stores are called "Art Smile." I now have advertisements for "Art Smile" hanging on every wall and door knob in my home. I have been a customer at both stores now and purchased some beautiful pieces. Emily will also babysit my baby, Molly, at her store for me as long as the baby stays in the mega saucer and does not cry! You gotta love a kid's imagination! And yes, Emily does actually do her homework at her "office" and gives me less mouth about it.
My mom and I were just talking about your homework stations yesterday! They really are cool! And yes as a homeschooler you still have "homework." The only difference is it is first thing in the morning when the kids are fresh ;) And if they get frustrated or confused or you get frustrated or confused, it doesn't have to be finished that day!! You are very creative!! And if you do decide to homeschool someday I have no doubt in my mind you will be fabulous!!