Like I said previously, I was scheduled for an induction on October 7th, 2004. I went in at 6:00 am and they started me on Pitocin. I don't really remember much about the labor. I was having some really bad back pain. The nurse midwife came in to break my water and when she did, John Daniel's heart rate dropped really low. They immediately put me on all fours and put oxygen on me and it came up. After that, his heart rate would go up and down. I just had a feeling something was not right. I knew I was making the midwife nervous because she kept checking me and the baby and kept whispering to the nurse. I got to the point where I didn't think I could take the pain any longer and asked for an epidural. It took the anesthesiologist FOREVER to get up there and I am pretty sure that I was in transition and might have been able to go all the way without meds but I was so scared. After he got the epidural in, I rested some. This epidural worked better than the first one (with Emily). I really didn't feel anything. They checked me and said I could start pushing but my body was not working with me. They put me in all kind of crazy positions and I just couldn't feel to push. I was having to push even though I didn't feel the need. Finally the head was crowning and the midwife was with another patient so Dr. McAlpine came in with a med student. I remember laughing because I couldn't feel anything and every time I would laugh, the baby's head would crown further and the med student was still trying to get her gloves on. Finally, one last push and the head was out and then it got very crazy. I remember Dr. McAlpine saying "it's too tight!" over and over and he pushed the med student out of the way. He motioned to the nurse and she pushed my upper body down. She got on top of me, straddled me, and started pushing my belly top to bottom as if she was pushing the baby out. It hurt SOOOO bad. Everyone seemed to be worried and it was very chaotic all of the sudden. My mom and John's mom were making faces. It was crazy! All of the sudden, Dr. McAlpine said we got it! Out came the baby. John Daniel was blue as could be with purple spots on his head from loss of oxygen. He put him straight in the warming bed and the nurses went to work on him. They called in the NICU. They rubbed him vigorously and gave him Oxygen. John didn't even get to cut the cord. Finally he started crying, the NICU nurses checked him out and he seemed fine....just a little beat up!!! His shoulder had gotten stuck up under my bone and was not coming out. So his head was out and the cord was around his neck, so oxygen supply was being cut off. Dr. McAlpine said shoulder dystocia is not something you can predict. Thank you God that Dr. McAlpine was the one that delivered me!!! Our baby boy ended up being fine and was perfect. John Daniel weighed 8 lbs 10 oz and was 22 inches long!!! He was a chunk from the very beginning and has not lost those sweet cheeks yet. He is wonderful and such a blessing! I love having a boy!
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