Molly will be 8 months old on Friday! Already!!!!! I cannot believe it. It has flown by so fast. It makes me sad if I think about how fast it has gone too much so I have to concentrate on the fun and sweet little person she is becoming!
Molly is crawling and if there is such thing as speed crawling...well she is doing it! She chases the big kids all over. I need a pen for her because she is NOT happy with being still and sitting calmly playing with toys. She is ALL OVER the place..down the hall, in the bathroom, over by the fireplace, tries to get in the dog cage, and on and on.
She is pulling up on everything. Now she dances while standing which is most adorable. She is trying to clap but hasn't quite gotten in down just right yet. She knows that saying "bye-bye" is suppose to mean doing something with her hand but doesn't yet do it all the time. She loves music and is now drumming on things and rocks back and forth when she hears it.
We just moved her out of her baby car seat. She sits in the grocery cart at the store. She stands up in her bed. She doesn't care for Baby Einstein Movies. She likes the stroller if it is moving. She loves to crawl around and loves the grass.
I haven't bought a jar of baby food yet! We are now making butternut squash, sweet potatoes, green beans, avocado, pears, apples, bananas, and peas. She loves it all. The pear gave her the chills at first like it was sour but she likes it mashed with banana. She eats the peas frozen and picks one up at a time and puts it in her mouth. I think the coldness of it feels good to her. NO TEETH YET!!! But she is good at gumming stuff.
She smiles so big when she sees any of us. She is a very happy, playful, energetic baby. The ladies in the nursery love her! She sleeps pretty good. I do let her get away with a little more than the first two in that I will wake up and feed her once in the middle of the night.
We love her to death and can't get enough of her smiles, kisses, giggling and babbling. She is so fun and so cute! I am so thankful for such a precious baby girl!
Our babies are growing up way too kills me.