So our friends the Brewers and the Cliburns and some of my co-workers got us to watch the movie, Food Inc. Well I must say that I believe it has an agenda but you cannot watch that movie without feeling like you want to change and do better. I won't go into everything about the movie although, I must say, I think everyone should watch it....but here are the things that John and I came away thinking more about..
1. We should all want to know where our food is coming from.
2. Americans/humans eat way too much!!!
3. Eating whole foods, non processed is best.
4. Buying local is best.
5. Organic eating in its rarest form is impossible in America now days....its a fad....and because there isn't enough land, Americans eat too much, its pretty much impossible to do Organic all the time, for everyone..
6. Big Business and Government ruin it all anyway! :) This is kind of a sarcastic comment but watch the movie!
7. I feel like I have been poisioning my children their entire lives.
Now I just started couponing so eating organic, to me at least, and trying to save money don't coincide but I did figure out if we would actually eat the foods that we were suppose to eat and the portions that we are suppose to eat then it really might not cost all that much more. Basically, I didn't want to be one of those people that jumps on the latest Hollywood bandwagon so I started doing my own research and talking to people that are actually in the business (farming, ranchers). I happen to work with several people that either live in the country and farm or ranching is their lively hood. My next posts are going to be about some of the people I have come in contact with and some of the things we have learned. It's amusing to me that I am intersted in this....but I have sooo enjoyed learning new things and meeting new people and find it also very bizarre that I am sounding much like the more liberal persons that I know and love....I mean I am recycling, composting, and eating more green now...could it be that liberals and conservatives actually mesh in thinking when all is said and done...My brother and I are actually agreeing on some issues.... :) I think my parents think we are about to move to the country, raise hogs and chickens, and continue to spit out babies.....I mean I did just tell them I am going to homeschool....I am chuckling as I write this because it is very funny to me! I want to add in the end though....this.....I believe that the earth is in the shape it is in because of sin...I do not believe we humans can fix this earth...It's in turmoil due to sin and will continue to be until the coming of Christ. I just studied in Revelation 6...the earth, waves, trees, oceans, etc are in bondage and until God speaks, they will not be redeemed...the earth groans to be redeemed and we will see the turmoil, earthquakes, tsunamis, heat, cosmic disturbances,etc until the 2nd coming....
For your reading enjoyment:
p.s. I am not an alarmist and I actually get really annoyed with people that worry about everything but on my hunt and task at trying to know where my food comes from...eating locally is really the best way to go. Just yesterday at work...we had two separate patients walk in our door, they did not know each other, they had bizarre blurry, yellow tint to their vision, low blood pressure, dizziness, and tingling in their face....upon evaluation, we found out they had both eaten lunch at the same restaurant, started having the same symptoms about one hour after lunch, and ate the exact same fish....that most likely was infected with ciguatera toxin. A fish was being served in the restaurant that they got from a local Seafood Distributor....but the kind of fish that was eaten was not a local fish...most likely a yellow tuna type fish from the carribean...Anyways, it was all very interesting and once again made me want to send John off on fishing trips to bring back fresh grouper.
So this is my latest soapbox...wonder how long it will last :)
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