My Favorite Four Plus One!

My heart belongs to these beautiful people~

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Great part of the day!

One of my favorite time of the day is REST TIME!  Yes, after reading much on this new take on this is that it is a GOOD THING for all of us to have a rest time! 

Molly of course sleeps in her crib and if John is off, the big kids have to be in their beds for one hour.  If John is in his "work stretch"....then he is in the big kids' room asleep in what we call the CAVE.  So for our rest time, I let the kids be in my room.  I have a big cedar chest at the end of my bed that I have all kinds of blankets and throws in.  They can pick two, grab a pillow, and make a nest on my floor AWAY from each other.  They have to be totally silent, read a book, look at a book, color, or sleep.  I actually like having them in's peaceful and most of the time they do fall least for a little while.

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