Our church right now is doing a series called (I think)...Springs of living water. Kind of like a revival type of sermon series...It started out with Jesus Loves Me...REALLY? Yesterday was about Forgiveness. The reason I felt lead to write about it is this...I literally heard about forgiveness from the time I walked in the church doors yesterday until the time I left. All the adult Bible Study classes are doing a digging deeper type of lesson that goes along with the sermon. In Bible Study we read 2 Samuel chapter 12. The chapter was about David and Nathan. I know things speak to people differently but I was struck again by the story of David....there was so much that needed forgiveness, so much junk that happen...He really messed up but we all know that he was a Man after God's Own Heart...He says in Vs 13, I have sinned against the Lord and Nathan says The Lord has taken away your sin, you shall not die. Though there was consequence. The baby that David had with another man's wife was struck ill and ultimately died. David fasted and pleaded and prayed but the child still died. When he found out that the child had died, he rose up, anointed himself, changed his clothes and went and worshiped the Lord. His servants asked why did he fast and weep while the child was still alive but now that he is dead, he eats, worships, and changes clothes....and David said, Because while the child was still alive, The Lord may have been Gracious to me but he died and I can not bring him back. He then went on to have another Child with Bathsheba, Solomon (called a wise man)...I loved this story because it reminded me that God forgives no matter what...he makes good out of crap..It's all about Him! On the other hand, there are mighty consequences for not following His plan (David's child died) but in reading this story again, When David speaks about why he fasted and prayed and wept...he was doing so because the Lord MAY be Gracious to him but no matter what David worshiped! There are all kinds of Forgiveness Highlights here...It also hits a little on the "why do bad things happen to good people" mantra and why somethings are just not understandable..
Then the Pastor hit some nails on the head:
Is Unforgiveness what is standing it the way of us being fully devoted followers of Christ?
If we can't forgive, He cannot forgive us.
God is the only perfect judge.
We are most like Beasts when we kill
Most like humans when we judge
and Most like God when we forgive.
Our fellowship with God is damaged when we do not forgive.
Matthew 6:14, Colossians 3:13, 1 John 1:7
Kathryn - this was very encouraging! Forgiveness is a theme for me these days. So I thought it was funny that God has used you again to deliver me a little nugget. Thanks for sharing! <3 A