My Favorite Four Plus One!

My heart belongs to these beautiful people~

Monday, May 2, 2011

Laundry stand off...

Everyone knows I cannot stand laundry and one of my biggest pet peeves is little persons that leave their clean and dirty clothes on the floor!  After all my hard work and sometimes their own hard work, why would I want to allow them to leave their clothes on the floor and why would I want to go behind them and have to pick it up is one thing that will put me over the edge!  Emily and I had a big blow up over it over the weekend and sometimes I just think it is because she doesn't isn't her trying to be bad or ugly to me, she just doesn't remember and doesn't concentrate long enough to think about these things.....Plus, I give them more than enough places to actually put it...clean clothes go in baskets, drawers, or closet...dirty clothes either go in one of two laundry hampers that are placed strategically in the bathroom and in the hall or by the washing putting them on the floor is just ridiculous to me!  So as I picked up dirty clothes off the floor for the hundreth time yesterday....I decided to do something about it! 

If I find clothes on the floor when I walk about the house, they go in a bag.  Each child (excluding Molly) has a bag.  I WILL NOT wash these clothes.  I will NOT remind them to do this or remind them that I will be walking around...and the child has to WASH HIS OWN clothes that are in this bag...and I WILL not tell them to do this or when to do this.  So, I think this will work much better on Emily because she is at that age where she picks out her clothing and likes to wear certain things and likes certain outfits better than others.  If they end up not having their favorite pajamas, bathing suit or be it!  Let's just hope this works and that they don't end up with no underwear.  Funny enough, Emily's bag is about 1/4 of the way full with all different kinds of clothing...John Daniel's only has socks and underwear in it!  Does that say something about the male/female way or what!  When I went to check the bathroom just now, all clothes were picked up!  Wow, it worked for one bathtime I guess! 

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