My Favorite Four Plus One!

My heart belongs to these beautiful people~

Monday, October 17, 2011

EMS day at Classical Conversations

 I was going to name this post "I heart my hubby" but I thought it might make you gag :)  But seriously, I am so impressed and so proud of my hubby.  Today the kids at our co-op learned about the circulatory system so our director thought it would be neat to have the older kids (4th grad and up) learn basic CPR.  John agreed to teach them the basics called Friends and Family CPR.  It was so many ways, he incorporated what they had just done in class, went over new material, gave a lesson on the chambers of the heart and blood flow, had manequins to do hands on CPR and a choking simulator.  They learned how to use an AED and how to do baby CPR. I wouldn't call John the academic type...he is not a book learner but I have to say that he is a REALLY REALLY REALLY good teacher and when he teaches something that he loves and is passionate about...well, I really can't even describe how great he is at what he does.  He knew how to keep the student's interest and involve them, he remembered names, gave real life scenarios, answered questions from students and parents...He taught 3 one hour classes which ended up being about 60 kids in all.  So that the younger kids didn't feel left out, John had his co-workers bring an ambulance and do a demo on safety, emergencies, how to call 911, etc.  They use this little remote control talking miniature ambulance to help the kids have fun.  Mr. Larry and Ms. Kelly did a great job.  They even custom designed a class for the 2nd and 3rd graders that was more at their level with cardiovascular questions and talk about the heart.  It was great!  Everyone had a great EMS day at Classical Conversations!

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