My Favorite Four Plus One!

My heart belongs to these beautiful people~

Thursday, November 3, 2011

2nd project

The 2nd project that we helped with was called a Blessing Project.  Here is the amazing story....the woman that ran this organization once owned her own business.  She did very well for herself until the economy turned for the worse and she was left withou a job...had to file for bankrupcy, lost everything, and her family ended up living in their car for awhile after that.  She decided that when she got back on her feet she would devote her life to helping others that had fallen on hard times....and so she has.  She built a new non profit company called Project Blessing where she finds old and run down homes, fixes them up and gives them to families that don't have a home.  The home that we worked in was really bad off but was looking could tell that a lot of work had been done on it to get it livable and a lot needed to still be done.  Apparently, the owners had donated the house to Project Blessing.  Our main job was painting, clean up, moving furniture, and the men all hung sheet rock and insulation in the basement!  It was a VERY OLD house and had some weird stone walls that were very difficult to put walls on.They worked so hard and everyone had a job at this house!  This reminded me of the starfish story....we didn't do anything to save Tuscaloosa .....but to this one family that will someday get this house...maybe we made a difference to them!

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