We have been learning a lot about life....we have had MANY friends in need. Over the past month, we have taken dinners to 4 different families, taken goodies to a sweet friend of Molly's in the hospital, been to Gainesville twice to visit a friend's baby that had open heart surgery (the kids sat in the waiting room at Shands for 3 hours and were very well behaved to my delighted surprise), kept kids for families going through difficulties and prayed for others struggling...my kids have certainly seen REAL LIFE! We have been busy, "school" by some people's definition has not happen as often as I have wanted it to. BUT we have learned so much....my big girl has cried scared to death that my friend's baby was going to die after he was born....we have prayed fervently over this baby, they have seen his healing and experienced God at work in my friend and her husband. They have learned that life isn't easy, life is hard, there is healing, there is crying, there is rejoicing, there is constant prayer....We have prayed for this baby, we have prayed for my mom's friend who just lost her husband and has terrible health herself, we have prayed for Molly's friend with an infection, we have prayed for their Daddy who has hiked 30 + miles in the rain the past week, we have prayed for another friend with Cancer. I don't have all the answers to their questions but I have been able to tell them without a doubt that God is in Control, He works good in all things, and that we can go to Him when we don't understand at all. They have helped me make meals, update the caringbridge site for friends, and pray. Life has been their classroom....in the last 48 hours, I have been watching a friend's girls so that she can be with her younger daughter in the hospital. I've had 5 kids flying solo with John out of town. They all helped me make a meal for a family with a new baby and helped me deliver it last night. Today we attempted school....I was nervous but it went so well (even with little Molly not feeling well). We read the Bible (we are reading through the Old Testament), prayed over their specific prayer requests, did chores, ate breakfast, and did our Bible Curriculum....Today (using a great curriculum that teaches the Bible, History, and Theology together by Water Oak Publishing) I introduced them to Systematic Theology. They learned about Eschatology (study of last things), Ecclesiology (study of the Church), Pneumatology (study of the Holy Spirit), Christology (study of Christ), Soteriology (study of salvation), Anthropology (study of man), Hamartiology (study of sin), Angelology (study of angels), Theology Proper (Study of what God is like) and Bibliology (study of the Bible)....We talked about theology being an orderly study of God and His Works....and how we are all Theologians!!!! It was really cool! They all loved it, even our guests! They made these charts:
We then did math as a group....having a child in 1st grade, 3rd grade, 4th grade, and 5th grade was a little challenging but it worked...they then did another chore, we read and did grammar/spelling! It was a great big happy mess! My dining room table looked like a homeschool curriculum book sale! I was so impressed with everyone and the patience each child had waiting for me to explain things or give directions. We have had a very busy busy several weeks (the reason I haven't posted in so long) but between learning systematic theology....they have learned about life, serving others, doctor's appts, hospital visits, feeding our friends, praying for others, and all the many things mommy has to do to make it all come together....I'm very pleased with our Big Happy Mess! Since this is my own little platform, I can say this....I am so thankful my kids aren't in "real school." I don't want to offend but I have recently been a part of a discussion group with some other Christian Moms going through a book called "5 Conversations to Have With Your Daughter." I have been appalled and so discouraged for the things that these women have shared....things that their daughters as young as 6 are having to face, be exposed to, and deal with in "normal school." I can't even write about some of the things due to the graphic nature. I know I know I know homeschooling does not does not does not assure that my kids are going to succeed or be sheltered from ALL "BAD" things (and really if you look at what our month has been like...they truthfully know that BAD things happen) BUT sitting around the table this morning discussing King David and theology and why we need to all know math.....it just got me thinking....some of the unnecessary things that have nothing to do with how my kids grow, what they learn, and why they are on this earth can be avoided. I could be wrong but I'm thankful for my big happy mess of a life where we get to learn from each other, bring everything and anything to the throne of God all day long, and experience real life....together!
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