My Favorite Four Plus One!

My heart belongs to these beautiful people~

Sunday, July 8, 2012

Baseball Boy

This year was the first year that John Daniel has played Atom league Baseball.  We weren't sure what to do because he had outgrown T-Ball, didn't know anyone in this league and he wasn't all that excited about it.  After his first practice, he said he didn't want to go back.  John told him that he then had to go tell the coach himself and he decided to keep at it.  He is so glad that he stuck with it....because he ended up loving it!  In Atom League, the coach pitches.  It is a lot different than T-Ball.  The kids are bigger, older, seem to know what's going on, know some plays and the rules better and many of them can really hit the ball!  John Daniel got assigned to the Giants..  He was one of the few first graders....most of the boys were in 2nd grade and had already played in Atom one year.  Some of the boys were really good! 

It was a huge adjustment learning to bat from a pitch, when to let it go, when to swing.  Several games J.D. would only get one hit but he always had a smile.  He became known with his team and coaches as the kid that smiles no matter what....he could strike out, miss the catch, but still have a great attitude.  The coaches loved his laid back approach but hard work ethic.  The teammates were really very nice and would give him high fives and encouraging words.  I was actually very impressed by the kids and the coaches.  We had a really good season!

He had a couple of really good games where he caught a fly ball to the out field and got a runner out on 1st.  He also made a double play one game and got 2 guys out by catching the ball and throwing it to 2nd. 
 The next to the last game, he hit his very first homerun!  The coaches were NOT going to stop him no matter how close...they kept waving him in and he made it all the way to home.  We were all SOOOO excited.  It was really neat seeing the coaches get so excited about his progress!
We all went for pizza, cake, and an awards ceremony after the last game (He hit his 2nd homerun during the last game).  When he received his trophy, the coaches, in their speech, spoke of how happy J.D. always was no matter the circumstance!  He, of course, was beaming!

Team Picture!

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