Our church hosted the Children of the World Choir for three days. They asked members of the church to volunteer to be host homes for two children. We volunteered and I am so glad we did. This post is hard for me to even type because I cannot quite express the emotion we all had during their stay...We kept two little girls. Sushma, from Nepal, was 8. Manjeri, from Uganda, was 10. We picked them up at the church at 4 pm on Tuesday....we hosted them in our home for less than 48 hours but they have had a huge effect on our family. Quickly, we learned that Sushma was a firecracker...lots of energy, funny personality, liked to joke around, and was a wild woman! Manjeri was quite the opposite...she was like looking into a deep blue ocean. She had a beautiful smile, very quiet and reserved, loved to read and do puzzles and was super organized and very deliberate in her actions. We loved them even before we saw them in concert the next night...in which I cried the entire way through...so did John. They are orphans which have been a part of World Help's children's choir since August. They will return to their native country over the summer and enter some type of foster care. The Children's Choir travels the country to bring attention to the needs in 3rd world countries ... the poverty, the need for clean water, the need for safe homes for children without abuse, and the need for prayer and the saving Grace of Jesus. Their songs were all full of Praise to God...the one true God. They danced until I just knew they wouldn't have any energy left (But Sushma did). I can't tell you in words how their concert, praise and worship, stories of their hardships, and their knowledge of the Bible affected me. One of their songs was all about wanting to be the hands and feet of Jesus and do mission work....these 14 orphaned children singing about wanting to be the hands and feet of Jesus! It was one of the greatest experiences we have had in a very long time....so rewarding for us and such a blessing to us. We will never ever forget these sweet sweet girls, their smiles and their hugs! One of the things I loved about hosting them were seeing the experience through the eyes of my children...they were so excited to meet new friends. They spent the whole day before they came cleaning the house with me, changing sheets, putting out clean towels, cleaning the tub, buying groceries...it was a special time for us to learn and serve and be hospitable as a family. I'm glad my kids got to come alongside John and I and serve together.

Molly was thrilled that they wanted to play dress up with her!
I think Manjeri did every puzzle we had in the house.
Sushma loved Uncle John (They called John and I Uncle and Auntie)