Along those lines is my concern for my children's hearts...their own spiritual well being. I've found two really good daily devotions that I'm working through with them. So far so good...the one Emily is using is actually a mother/daughter devotion so it spawns conversation between the two of us which is good.
Next up is reading. I turn the TV on many times when John isn't here for background noise. Half the time I don't even watch the show. I really really want to read more. I've got a couple of books that I'm in the middle of now and I'm determined to finish. I also printed out cute little reading logs for not only the kids but ME TOO! I have my books in a basket where we will read every night as well as a family...We've done SOOOO much better since homeschooling but I want to do even better!
Another goal is to instill more confidence in my children while schooling...we've changed Emily's math program, found some books that J.D. really loves to read although they weren't my first pick and no matter how long it takes us....we will do hard things and learn to be thankful for new and difficult tasks
FUN! I can be a pretty serious person lacking joy and pure fun in living....I can get real wound up about things which you will understand in the next little in an attempt to be fun and creative my friend and I are cooking through the Pioneer Woman Cookbook (previous posts).
Next up my once again I will try to do something with this extra weight. Kind of ironic coming after the last is so maddening sometimes! I have eaten terrible the past two months. I know I have extra weight and I know I can do better...enough said. It's my thorn and I'm putting what is behind me in the past and moving forward!
Now this is even more ironic....while cooking through the Pioneer Woman Cookbook...I'm going to do a fast of a sort..stick with me here....
Enters this book...
The same crazy friend that is cooking with me also mentioned this book to me last week. I bought it after reading the synopsis online because I was totally fascinated...and now I'm wrecked (thanks Francis Chan for that word)....It's basically about the waste, greed, overindulgence, and so on in America. The author is hilarious. She's a pastor's wife, lives in Texas, and has 5 kids. The book is her diary of her experiment in detoxing herself from the stuff that clouds our houses, minds, and souls. The experiment takes about 8 months. Her purpose was to fast in 7 different areas of waste and over indulgence in her life. It's hysterical, raw, real, and very entertaining but oh so convicting. The book is not the how to to do this yourself, it isn't a Bible Study or a's just her story. It got me thinking though and well I'm in! I've always been intrigued with fasting and have tried to some extent. If not food, then in media. It's a little contrived or gimmicky...I agree but also very fascinating...what if we really did without some and what would it make us realize, who would we go to, what would we do with what we find out about ourselves. The categories are as follows: food, waste, clothes, media, stress, possessions, and shopping. Get this...pick 7 foods to eat for 30 days...that's it! Did you know that if you make over $35,000 a year you are in the top 4% of wealth in the entire WORLD! I have no idea what all this means going on inside my head...but I'm up for a challenge, a kick in the butt, a new abnormal (like homeschooling my kids, drinking kefir, and backyard chickens wasn't enough), a thought provoking journey...if it makes us a little more grateful and a little less wasteful then I like a little gimmick. It's a huge undertaking. I'm scared to death. And I might be grouchy next week living on no caffeine but here's to a crazy start to the new year! Oh and I told 6 of my closest friends about the book so they can be as miserable as me....and guess what? They all want to do an experiment of their own:) Gotta love my friends! So this year you will also be hearing of my journey with the 7 friends and I will be recording our experiment on a book club site to encourage one another and hold each other accountable. Everyone's experiment will look a little different, led (hopefully) by the Holy Spirit in an effort to get rid of the waste and junk in our life for these 8 months in order to make room for more of the Holy Spirit..I'm not sure I totally even get it yet but I will let you know more when I do.
This is one of the 7 foods I will be eating over the next 30 days....Happy Happy Joy Joy:)
Saw this sign at Target for $5 yesterday...if it had had So Blessed instead of So Lucky I might have bought it....but I still thought it was fitting:)
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