My Favorite Four Plus One!

My heart belongs to these beautiful people~

Friday, May 1, 2009

Eating out of the pantry!

I was watching this show on TLC the other day about a family with 10 kids. Emily and I became fascinating with it as we watched them cook, clean, and manage a large household. I have been around a good many big families and it is always so fascinating to me. One thing that struck me was that the mom was so careful about grocery shopping. This family had their own garden so they grew a lot of their own food but when she went grocery shopping it was always planned, they used everything, and never wasted! So we are at that point in the pantry where I don't really have anything planned, there are odd things leftover in the pantry and refrigerator, and it is at the point where we would most likely go grocery shopping. John and I are so bad about getting a craving for ribs for instance and then going and buying the stuff to make that dinner when there is plenty in the pantry to eat. How many of us have odd items here and there that sit there for a long time. How many times do we have something in the freezer that we could pull out but we don't. So yesterday John and I decided to do an experiment!!! We are going to see how long we can go with eating what is already in the pantry, freezer, and fridge! Now my "what's for dinner" section on the blog might look pretty interesting this week but it might be fun. Some of the odd things we have in our pantry right now are: a can of cream corn, bisquick, oatmeal, yellow rice, some potatoes, and mandarin oranges! Now that should make a strange dinner! Luckily we have some fruit, some meat in the freezer, eggs, and salad stuff. Just thought it might save a little and teach us to be mindful not to waste so much as well. We will have to go to the store for Milk..we go through it like crazy!

1 comment:

  1. We are pretty good about planning for the week. Especially when it is Paul's long week to work. But, I don't go through the freezer or fridge or cabinets. So you have inspired me to do so!! I look forward to seeing your dinners for the next couple of days!! Very cool!!
