My Favorite Four Plus One!

My heart belongs to these beautiful people~

Thursday, April 30, 2009

Pressure to be the perfect mom

Lately, I have been feeling a lot of pressure (put on by myself) to be the "perfect" mom. Who is perfect anyways though and I know that. I think we as mothers put a lot of pressure on ourselves in many different ways...I noticed this yesterday as I was standing in the middle of six other moms at ballet. All of us very different, all have made different choices about how to raise our children, etc. I think between the seven moms standing there by the playground there are 22 kids between us! Anyways, the conversation went from schooling to discipline to extracurricular activities etc. One mom was talking about how her daughter goes to a "good news" christian club after school one afternoon a week. Her daughter attends a public school. She made the comment that it was good for her daughter and for her because she "feels guilty about not sending her child to a private christian school." Emily goes to a private Christian school (one of the best I think) and I sometimes feel guilty for not homeschooling her and educating her myself. Isn't it funny....another friend over the weekend made a comment to me that she felt guilty about not having her kids in extracurricular activities like other moms but didn't want to always be on the road driving from place to place and enjoyed being at home but felt bad that her kids might not be as "well-rounded". It seems to be an age old fight...working moms vs stay at home moms, moms that send their kids to public school vs ones that send their kids to private school, extracurricular activities vs no extracurricular activities, school vs homeschooling, families that go to church on wed night vs families that don't go to church on Wed night. Good grief...the things that we find to make ourselves feel bad about. I have to say that all of the women I have talked about are excellent moms! There is not one that I would not take advice from or let my children be around their children. Men do not do least I do not think they do. I don't see John worrying about what the next person does or putting guilt on himself for these types of decisions. All of the decisions in my opinion are neither best or better than the other....I believe it just has to be between you and God and what is best for your family. Now many days, I feel like I am failing or maybe have not made the best choice but why do we have to put so much pressure on ourselves as women and compare ourselves constantly to others! I have to remind myself sometimes daily that I don't need to compare myself to only matters what HE thinks!

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