My Favorite Four Plus One!

My heart belongs to these beautiful people~

Friday, May 14, 2010



Our little chicken coop is coming along quite nicely!  On a side note, before John went and bought wood at Home Depot, he happen to come across some old wood at Water Oak Plantation.  He was out there taking Emily to piano lessons one day and saw that behind the barn, they had lots of old wood piled up.  He decided to ask if they were throwing it away.  Aunt Laura said he could have any of it that he wanted!  So he brought home tons of old barn and fence wood that has now become our chicken coop.  It was a litte harder but John is always up for a challenge.  He had to find wood to fit all the measurements he needed which meant he had to make some weird cuts here and there but so far so  good and he hasn't had to buy wood yet!  He also is using a lot of our old hinges from our doors in the house that he replaced when he did our remoldeling and our old towel rack from the bathroom is going to be the chicken the coop is mostly recycled stuff!  My Aunt D'Anna and my Mother will be so proud!  It also makes it kind of "farm-like."  He will be painting it barn red.  Looks like it might be ready next week!  Now we just have to find chickens!

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