My Favorite Four Plus One!

My heart belongs to these beautiful people~

Friday, May 14, 2010


I really do love photography and one of my biggest wants right now is a new camera.  I am thankful for my little take along camera but I want a bigger and better one so bad.  I'm trying to be patient.  Trying to not want for anything.  Its hard though.  I love love love taking pictures of what we are up to, the kids, the outdoors, nature, food, etc.  I absolutely love the Pioneer Woman's photography (a blog  I read)...its beautiful, it is detailed, and so much fun.  I love the pictures she takes for her cookbook!  I've tried to break my little camera but it keeps on ticking!  I actually really want to give it to Emily so that she can use it for homeschooling stuff.  So now you know what I want, crave, desire....and what I have to be patient for!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Made the Pioneer Woman's Chocolate Cobbler recipe last night - yumm-o!
