My Favorite Four Plus One!

My heart belongs to these beautiful people~

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Little bits to remember

Can you tell when I have a few moments by myself because I do a bunch of posts at once! Anyways...just some tidbits to remember.....

John Daniel told Molly the other day in the car when she was screaming "o.k. Molly you have had your cry." He said it very sweetly and it was so cute!

He went to Kohls the other day with me and Molly and as we are going up the escalator he said "Mommy, be careful with your baby!"

Molly is trying to hold her head up and does a really good job of it at three weeks old!

As I was trying to cook on Easter, Molly was awake of course and crying. I handed her to Emily and asked Emily to hold her. Emily loves holding her. She started rocking her and before I knew it Molly was completely calm and sound asleep in Emily's lap. She looked just like a baby doll in Emily's lap and Emily was totally content. My grandmother couldn't believe how responsible and mature Emily was in taking care of her. She really is a great big sister and will be a great mother one day. It really has surprised me and been fun to see this side of her!

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