My Favorite Four Plus One!

My heart belongs to these beautiful people~

Friday, April 17, 2009

Prayer timer..Be still and know that I am God

I hesitated going to church on Wed night b/c I had all three kids by myself and wasn't sure if I could time Molly's feeding just right and we had already had a busy Wed. Emily loves wed night church though and they are preparing for a choir musical so we went. It is always on those days that I am not feeling it that I get a lot out of it. I went and sat in on a ladies class that a lot of the ladies my age go to. They do a simple devotion, nothing spectacular and nothing that has homework etc. I didn't even have my Bible with me :( Anyways, we started talking about the power or prayer and the intimate relationship that each one of us can have with God. We talked about what life would be like without HIM! A couple of the women shared, in particularly my friend that lost her husband to cancer in February. She has three children under 7. She shared that she has good days and bad days but God is her best friend. He enables her to get up each day, get her kids dressed, put a smile on her face and walk out the house. She shared how her and her husband had prayed for his healing and he was not healed and she doesn't exactly understand it but feels God's presence more than ever. Just to see her sit there and say those things and have a smile on her face was so awesome! We discussed ways to become more intimate with God and another friend had what I thought was a really cool idea. Prayer has never come easy to me. I have struggled in this area in my Christian walk but lately I have really tried to stop and be still and talk to HIM. In the middle of the night usually around 3:30 am when Molly wakes up to nurse, I have used that 15 or so minutes to pray for John. He recently started night shift so I know he is awake and at work and so praying for him at that time comforts me when he is away from us. My friend Ann gave me this idea about praying in the middle of the night while nursing. Also, we have tried really hard to pray with the kids before school every morning. This is something I have always tried to do but is hit or miss sometimes. At Bible study though, the friend said that she sets an alarm on her cell phone to remind her to stop and take a few moments to be still, know that HE is GOD and pray about whatever or whoever is on her mind. She said her kids know now when the timer goes off that Mommy is going to be praying and they actually will tell her prayer requests at that time. I thought this was a great idea b/c I can't tell you how many times that someone passes through my mind only to be gone again b/c I am in the middle of something. Shame on me! I really admire those people around me that are prayer warriors and maybe this will help me! I set my cell phone alarms for three times yesterday and it was really cool b/c it really did make me stop and be still and talk to my GOD!

1 comment:

  1. My mom and I were just talking about daily prayer and how I was lacking any prayers except for SOSs :) I am going to do something similar to the alarm to help me to remember. Thanks for sharing!! You and your friend have inspired me ;)
