My Favorite Four Plus One!

My heart belongs to these beautiful people~

Saturday, June 27, 2009

I need my space!

This is a post where you who are reading it are going to think that I am impatient and frustrated mom. Well I am at times and that is the truth but I love my kids dearly!! Anyhow, Speaking to my mom friends out there that read this.....Do you ever get to the end of the day and you are just through!!!! Through with answering little people questions, through with getting one more drink for them, through with wiping bottoms, through with saying no, through with the complaints, through with the getting up and down, through with getting them food, through with the cleaning up, through with hearing Mommy one more time, just FINISHED! I sometimes get to the end of the day usually around 8 or so and I am so finished. I get impatient and ugly and so tired!!! Once I put them to bed, if I hear one more Mommy can I have some water, it may just put me over the edge!! I have learned that I need that time at night to chill. I literally sit on the couch some nights and just close my eyes and take in the quietness. Most of the time, I make myself a cup of decaf coffee to enjoy as well. Is that really so bad???

Another thing....I decided that I wanted one space in the house that was kid free...they take over the rest of the house with their clothes and toys so why can't I have one room that is "just for the grown-ups". Well I decided that this would be our bedroom. This is difficult b/c it is in the very front of the house and it "catches all" as we walk in the house. Over the last couple of months, we have tried to tell the kids our bedroom is off limits. They have to stop at the thresh hold and ask to come in. It is still a work in progress and Emily especially (being the nosey one) cannot stand it if she is "left out" so she has a hard time with it.

So now you all think I dislike being a mommy after reading this and that I am a complainer...but it is so not true!!!!!! I love them to death...just need some me time and me space!!!

1 comment:

  1. I know you love your kids and I know you love being a mommy!! Good luck with the keeping the kids out of your room. I think that is such a great idea. I am working on (well at least thinking about) making our room more of a bedroom instead of a storage area - ha, ha!!
