My Favorite Four Plus One!

My heart belongs to these beautiful people~

Friday, June 12, 2009


Our summer of service is off to a good start! Last week we made sour cream pound cake and box brownies for our neighbors. It has been neat seeing the kids get excited about it. They stood outside last week watching and waiting for our neighbors to get home so we could walk over was cute. Today we made homemade brownies for John's night shift EMS crew. I had seen Paula Dean on the cooking network making her decadent brownies that take FOUR sticks of butter (really sinful) and I wanted to make them but felt it was completely sinful to actually eat more than one and keep them in the house so we decided to make them and ship them off with Daddy to take to work. I have to say that VBS week might not have been the week to "cook" with the kids b/c it takes A LOT of patience that by now towards the end of the week I have little of. The kids helped a little and I did the rest. John Daniel really likes to cook and Emily is hit or miss. But we made the delicious brownies and cut them into squares and put them on a platter. John took them tonight and I wrote a "thank you for serving Leon County from John's wife and kiddos" note on the outside. John said everyone loved them. Hopefully the kids are getting the idea. It actually has been fun cooking and doing things for others. It really makes you feel warm and fuzzy inside doing it when people are totally not expecting it!

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