My Favorite Four Plus One!

My heart belongs to these beautiful people~

Monday, June 1, 2009

Things I have learned/noticed......

Things I have learned and noticed since John started working nights.......

1. My children do not know how to whisper or keep low voices!

2. Wood floors make a lot of noise!

3. Every little noise seems like a really BIG noise now!

4. The pitter patter of the dog's nails on the floor as she runs through the house is so annoying!

5. It is lonely watching TV by myself at night.

6. Having breakfast cooked for me in the morning by my wide awake husband is super nice!

7. I usually like getting out of the house but feeling like I HAVE to get out of the house so John can sleep isn't as fun.

8. I cannot stay up till 1am or 2 am in the morning talking and texting my husband who is at work and still function the next morning.

9. It is kind of fun texting my husband at the 4/5 am feeding and having a conversation in the middle of the night with him.

10. Eating dinner at 5:30 or 6:00 before John goes to work makes for a nice relaxed evening.

11. I love my 9:30 pm starbucks that John brings to me sometimes when he comes to check on me at night.

12. The bed feels so much bigger without him in it!

13. Molly really likes that she gets to sleep in his spot sometimes :)

14. TV is a good filler in the mid morning hours when John is sleeping and I have two children that say it is too hot to go outside.

15. John looks cute sleeping in the bottom bunk of the kid's bed and get this... he switches and sleeps on the top bunk sometimes b/c the kids fight over which of their beds he will sleep in.

16. We use the coffee pot morning, noon, and night around here!

17. The kids love when daddy brings home donuts from Krispy Kreme for breakfast.

18. Finding "mommy daddy time" is hard when he is home and awake with us smack dab in the middle of the afternoon when the kids are wanting his attention.

19. The kids still don't get that Daddy works ALL night long and is awake ALL night long...I think they just think he really likes to take long naps!

20. Last but not isn't as terrible as it may seem and we are making it work and it gets better every rotation.

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