My Favorite Four Plus One!

My heart belongs to these beautiful people~

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Lesson learned and eyebrows waxed

On Valentines weekend I was out with Emily doing a little shopping and decided to go get my eyebrows waxed.  Yes, I am one of those...I like nice manicured eyebrows...don't like the catepillar look and I'm a hairy person!  So the lady was working hard and once she was done, she said with agony, "this has never happen to me before, I messed your brow up." And she had indeed!!...she took lots of hair off one of my eyebrows leaving it looking rather strange, like it had two naked lines in it.  She was mortified!  She kept apoligizing and saying it must have been because I have such light hair mixed in with the red and she put to much wax on...etc. etc.  Emily saw how upset she was and agreed once we got in the car, "Mommy, your eyebrow looks weird."  The lady didn't make me pay full price and I told her it was o.k.  She said she thought I was going to yell at her.  I thought that was funny b/c I cannot imagine yelling at someone in public like that...  I was going on a hot date that night with my hubby so I wondered how I was going to fix it.  I pulled my bangs over in front of the brow and that worked and then I worked on it with an eyebrow pencil which did the trick.  And the hair grew back in a matter of three days.  What a teachable moment for my little girl though.  She asked me in the car why I didn't get mad or if I was mad with the lady.  I honestly was not...  I told her it wasn't worth getting upset about.  I told her it was a mistake and an accident and I know Jesus would not have wanted me to yell.  I told her my eyebrow is not that important and the way I look or how funny I look wasn't worth a yelling match or making someone feel terrible.  It was a great moment and I am glad Emily was there to witness it.  Now I just need to remember these same principles when my loved ones accidently mess up......

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