It was freezing and wet and Harriet and I decided Friday that we would not run in the "Run for the Cookies" race as we had planned. Laying in bed Friday night though, John encouraged me and said, "It's not going to be that cold, you can do it and I will do it with you!" We discussed whether to take the kids or bug the grandparents or take a few of them but John decided to just take them all. He said he would push two of them in the jogging stroller. We woke up late on Saturday and everything in me said not to go. It was cold and windy and I so wanted to sleep. All the kids were alseep and it was so snuggly in our house but I got myself up and John fixed me breakfast and a water bottle and off I went. There were a lot of people there considering the weather! The race started at 9 am sharp. The route was a 3.2 mile route around and behind TCC. I run really someone walking fast could walk beside me and keep up but I have been told to just keep the running motion in play even if it is slow. The sun came out a little and it really wasn't that bad. I ran for a whole mile and then walked up a hill, ran some more, walked up another hill, and ran some more, walked a little and then ran to the finish line. That is probably the most I have run at one time....the first mile is so hard, after that it gets easier for some reason, at least for me. I did the race in 46 minutes. John ran with me the whole time pushing 2 sometimes 3 in the jogging stroller. At one time he had the girls in the stroller and J.D. was sitting on top. It was a site and he got lots of comments from other runners like, "can I hop on too?" My hubby is so encouraging! He is amazing! When I left that morning, he got all three kids up, fed them, dressed them all warmly, gathered all the stuff we needed...snacks, drink, etc. and got them all there in time to run with me....! I am so glad I did the race...I felt accomplished and am already looking at another one in March that I can do...
P.S. For completing the race, I got a box of Samoa Girl Scout Cookies...Emily and John Daniel ate 2 each and after we got home J.D. broke out in hives all over his body. We ended up having to take him to Urgent Care the next day because even on Benadryl they were getting worse....turns out he is most likely allergic to Coconut!!!! Now he is on prednisone and zyrtec and NO MORE Samoas for him!!!
Good for you. I KNOW that had to be hard to get up for runny in the cold!!!!