My Favorite Four Plus One!

My heart belongs to these beautiful people~

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Some stuff we have planned

Today John is riding his off road bike 55 miles in THE CROOM (a race somewhere near tampa).  My Dad is also with him and a couple other guys they know.  Next weekend I am running (hopefully running but maybe just slowly jogging or walking :) the RUN for The COOKIES with my friend, Harriet.  You get a box of girl scout cookies in the end!  It is a 5K.  John and I are then going out for a Valentines Day dinner and race celebration that evening.  I am very excited about this.  I love our dates together!!!  The kids are out of school on Presidents day and John and I decided that we'd take the family hiking.  We may go somewhere in town (a greenway) or we may even go over to the Suwannee River.  That night we want to have Emily's grandparents over to celebrate her birthday with her and have her favorite meal together.  The next weekend is Emily's birthday weekend.  We are having a small spend the night party (like 4 girls) and then the next day a few more of her friends are coming over to celebrate at a Cooking Party!  Mommy and the girls will make personal pizzas, fruit kabobs, decorate cupcakes, and aprons together.  Our long time babysitter, Miss Heather is getting married the next weekend...we are very sad she is leaving us for the love of her life and moving to Montana :(  Then it is MARCH...cannot believe it!!!!  Our tentative plan is go to to Disney World the second weekend in March.  I am probably the most excited!!  The kids do not know and I think we will just surprise them and start driving and not tell them where we are going.  Tickets right now through May are $99 for adults for 4 days and $89 for kids for 4 days. You can go to all the parks and don't have to use the 4 days all at once.  We will just stay in a very cheap hotel and take our food in the park...maybe splurge once...but you can't beat the deal....4 days, 4 parks, and 4 people for < $400!  Then on March 19th we are headed over to Jacksonville to watch John run the Jacksonville Mud is a 6 mile combat/obstacle course type run in the mud!!!  The pictures online look hilarious and extremely hard.  He is on a team of 5 and they have to wear camo and combat boots..we cannot wait to watch!  We will stay with my Aunt and Uncle and they will go with us to watch.  March 20th is Molly's 1st birthday.  I'm trying to ignore it hoping that she will not turn one...wish I could keep her little!  You know me and birthdays..I love to make them big and special and spectacular although this February/March birthday thing is kind of crazy!  I think we might have a cupcake themed party for Molly out at Maclay Gardens on March 21st...grill out..have family and friends...and let the kids just run around out there......Come on and enjoy the fun...Our little Cupcake is turning 1!!!!! 

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