My Favorite Four Plus One!

My heart belongs to these beautiful people~

Saturday, September 24, 2011

6 kids!

Things I've learned from having six kids all weekend....first these kids are super duper polite and very easy to substitute parent.  I haven't had to be a referee at all...there has been no fighting, no over the top craziness...mostly just make believe play.  But here are some things I've noticed that have made me really admire the parents of large families....

We went through 7 bananas at breakfast, an entire loaf of bread at lunch, three oven pizzas, almost an entire box of granola bars, an entire carton of ice cream, and a gallon of milk....the food disappears as fast as I can even think of getting it on the table.  I cannot imagine the cost of feeding a large family...especially feeding them in a healthy manner.  Imagine the number of bananas you would have to buy!  Someone is constantly hungry or thirsty.  Speaking of thirsty...the cups for drinks are piling up like crazy and I feel like I've been washing constantly.  I had to just cut them off tonight...NO MORE FOOD!  Kitchen is closed!

The laundry is insane too and I'm not sure how the floor would ever stay clean if you have this many children going in an out all day every day!  I started sweeping up trash and just leaving it in a pile in the corner to vacuum up later knowing that there would be more trash soon. 

Everything takes longer...showers, getting out the door, cleaning up, etc.  We have had to take two cars everywhere we go.  I've emptied the trash twice a day each day.  Did I mention that someone is always thirsty?! 

They have all been awesome and very easy, it is just the logistics of it and the need lots of supplies!  We were happy to help some friends and would do it again in a heartbeat....and will be helping another family in two weeks and will again have 6 kids.

I'm going to start stocking up now.

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