My Favorite Four Plus One!

My heart belongs to these beautiful people~

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Helmets, sunscreen, and homeschooling...

I like a lot of what Francis Chan says....this is a You Tube video that was sent out by another homeschooler that I believe follows some of his Bible Study material as well. He is raw, he doesn't mince words, and he makes me think. We are actually using some of his NO PLAN B Bible study materials right now in our SS class at church. I'm also reading this ultra conservative book right now called Keeping Our Children's Hearts and the reason I call it ultra conservative it becuase they shelter, they take a fine tooth comb to all things. They look at ALL aspects of their life and how it will affect their children in the long run. They have no TV and they do not believe in youth group philosophies...but it is what they believe is right according to the the reason I even talk of this is because it can be totally the following video clip Francis Chan kind of makes "fun" of homeschooling although I know for a fact that he has homeschooled his own children when overseas. But I think the message he is trying to get across is homeschooling, wearing helmets, using sunscreen, joining a church "club", doing a women's bible study, and ministering in the church nursery can all become idols and stem from being fearful, trying to be safe, and wanting everything to just be calm, perfect, easy....he visually tries to explain that doing all of the above are o.k., even good or great but what are we doing that makes a difference? What are we doing to be radical and to live out our a way, homeschooling is radical in my opinion..we are doing it to be able to shepherd our children so that we can minister to others and step outside our comfort zone and live differently, and have the time to do things as a family that are not "safe"....sometimes I feel so conflicted...I want to homeschool and protect my children but I want to do the radical and live outside the "box"....I don't want to get to Heaven and look up at HIM and my life look like Francis Chan does hanging on the balance beam. More and more though, John and I are being shown different ways to step outside our comfort zone and do things we wouldn't have even thought of 2 years ago. We spent the money that would have gone to a vacation to the Keys on a feeding the hungry event in our community and to go on a Mission Trip with our church. John went and laid sod for 6 hours at a co-workers house this past week (and killed his back) just so he can build a relationship so maybe he can witness. More and more I see God at work and we are figuring out ways to join might not be in Africa right now but He is challenging us in different the girls that I meet with at Chick-fil-a who challenge me every week! Homeschooling fits our lives and allows us to walk differently...but alongside our children. When someone that I admire, challenges the way I live (even if I know he was just making a joke) always gets me thinking and like every other book, video, sermon, etc....I think we have to pray about it and allow God to be the one that convicts us...and not the World.

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