Their names this time: Eleanor (black one), Gideon (black one), Reagan (striped brown one), Lily (light yellow one), Bear Grylls (dark brown one), Captain (yellow one), Bo (yellow one), Ivy (light brown one)
My Favorite Four Plus One!
My heart belongs to these beautiful people~
Sunday, January 29, 2012
Baby Chicks
John called Ace Hardware...they said they were getting baby chicks on Wednesday...guess where we were on Wednesday? The chicks are $2 and they are so they are 4 days old...that's 4 days out of the shell! God is so incredible! When they are only $2, it is hard not to buy a lot..we got 8. Once they get big, we will give about 3-4 away if they all live. These are the youngest ones we have ever had....maybe it is because I have baby fever right now, but I'm in love..they are so sweet and so delicate and so precious! We already had a brooder for them so all we needed was some chick food and we were set. 8 new pets for under $20! The kids take care of them so it isn't that hard of a job. Did you know that if there poop gets stuck on their bottom and clogs their passage, they can die..gross huh...well Emily and her Daddy cleaned all of their bottoms yesterday for an hour...cut the hair and scrubbed their bottoms. The things you learn on youtube! That's our science for the week ~
Happy Retirement Granny...
My 88 year old grandmother just retired...she has worked for Elder Care Services (which has always been ironic to us considering she is an Elder) for 30 years. She has run the "lunch Bunch" for like 22 years....and the "elders" love her! The staff at Elder Care recognized her at the end of December on her last day and our entire family went to be with them. They did some sweet and some funny things...wrote her a song which was all about the Yummy Food at the Senior Center...gave her plaques, a pretty clock and yummy cake.
Here she is giving a blessing to the people at Elder Care....she loves those people that is for sure!
The whole family
And the entertainment.....the gansta' grandma's. Now this was a treat!
Thursday, January 26, 2012
Christmas Dinner..
John and I decided to make a really nice Christmas of my favorite things to do that I don't get to do enough is use my nice china, my grandmother's silver, and all my pretty the grand scheme of things, they don't matter but it is fun using what you have and things that have been passed down from previous generations....every pot, spoon, mixing bowl, piece of china, and spoon from my grandmother that I have now, take me back to watching her use them...and I have very vivid and sweet memories of her and her kitchen. Well, anyways we decided on a prime rib, roasted asparagus, mashed potatoes, bread, cranberry/apple casserole, pumpkin pie, and buttermilk pie. We went all out, decorated, and used our fine china. It was a great evening! Very yummy food...and great company.
The wanna be singers...
We can hook it up to our TV and it shows the words on the big screen. The songs were golden oldies...Rockin Robin, some Elvis, Gospel, Amazing Grace...
My mom really enjoyed herself!
And then Molly figured it out....and she was a trip! LOVED it so much!!!!
My brother got big big brownie points with his gift to the kids....or should I say adults...He got a Karaoke machine and boy did the singers show up in our house that night...
The wanna be singers...
My mom really enjoyed herself!
And then Molly figured it out....and she was a trip! LOVED it so much!!!!
Christmas Morning
John was off this Christmas for the first time in like 4 we were sooooo excited to have him home!!!! A first for us this Christmas was that we didn't, no once, leave the house. Christmas day was relaxing, we cooked a lot and even took a nap :) We all got way more than we deserve as usual...As the kids opened their gifts I enjoyed thinking about some of the "hidden" blessings behind each one...the free camera, the used princess kitchen, etc. Emily received a camera, of course, the American Girl doll, Kit, a DS game, some earrings, Cowgirl boots, clothes, an American Girl carrier, and much much more...John Daniel received all kinds of spy gear stuff including night vision goggles, walkie talkies, a DS game, Georgia boots, a guitar, clothes, etc. Molly got a scooter, a play kitchen, a baby carrier, and a new baby...there is more but those were some I said, much more than we deserve :)
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