My Favorite Four Plus One!

My heart belongs to these beautiful people~

Monday, March 8, 2010

A big decision

Thought I would go ahead and share a big decision that we have made...we will begin homeschooling Emily in the fall.  I could go into a really long epost as to why, how, etc. etc. etc....but honestly I don't have the time nor the patience to sit and write it all out...if you really want to know my heart..I have written it in letter style and shared it with my parents and brother because I am never able to sit down with them without interruptions from the three little blessings in my life.  I would love to send it to any of you that are interested but to make a very long story short....John and I feel like God is calling us as a family to homeschool and there are many other specifics as to why but we are excited and scared and happy and nervous!  John Daniel will continue at Celebration Baptist Kinderschool for Kindergarten and I will use the 4 hours that he is at school to do school here with Emily.  We are soooo excited about our new adventure and right now my head is spinning with all the possibilities!!!  There are literally sooo many curriculums, styles, ways to do things, schedules, extra curricular activities, co-ops, groups, etc.  It will probably take us all summer to just figure out what will will do and how our day/month/semester will look.  BUT the great thing about homeschooling is if something ain't working then you can change it up!  I have interviewed homeschooling moms, adults that have been homeschooled, and critics to homeschooling and I do not have all the answers and I do have some concerns but I am trying to have big faith and put my trust in my Father that wants the best for my children and believe that if I am doing my best, then HE will take care of the details!  I covet your prayers. 

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