My Favorite Four Plus One!

My heart belongs to these beautiful people~

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Getting into the spirit!

The weekend before Christmas we went to Callaway Gardens with some special friends and my parents.  One of the families had never been before (I think we have been over 8 times!) so it is always fun to see something in a "newbies" perspective.  We stayed at FDR State Park which is actually a very lovely state park....beautiful trees, hills, leaves, lakes...etc.  We've stayed at the park once before as a family (I've stayed many times as a child) but the highlight was getting to stay around the park and let the kids play...they had a blast!  We had some great campsites where the kids had free range of the hills and valleys....they played for hours on the last day...just climbing and running and hiding and getting stuck which is a whole other story...

We also visited Callaway Gardens and did the butterfly exhibit, day center, birds of prey show, and indoor greenhouse gardens.  And we ended Saturday night on the very cold Jolly Trolley seeing hundreds of lights on display!  My favorite is the snowflake scene.  The kids all had a blast, the camping was a little rough due to some rain and cold...(I ended up at the hotel with my parents and Molly the second night because Molly was coughing) but all and all it was a great way to get in the Christmas Spirit!

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