My Favorite Four Plus One!

My heart belongs to these beautiful people~

Thursday, March 17, 2011


I think my posts for the most part until my life calms down will be random, blurbs, chaotic....but I kind of like lets readers know what is going on and it doesn't take too long! 

We have been super busy!!  The past two weeks have been packed full with great things but we all got a little exhausted...especially me! 

We are leaving on Saturday to go camping with 5 other families for Spring Break and Molly's 2nd Birthday!  I'm ignoring the 2nd Birthday part...makes me seriously want to cry.  It is really cute to listen to Molly sing Happy Birthday to herself though...

We had a friend last year warn us, "Homeschooling isn't all about field trips!"...well this week it has been for us!  We have been to visit a co-op that we are thinking about joining for the next school year, have visited a REAL beekeeper to interview him for Emily's Science Project, been on a back stage tour at our local Chick-fil-a, traveled to Joe Budd Aquatic Center to go hiking, fishing, and exploring, had our monthly book club meeting after reading a GREAT GREAT book, Island of the Blue Dolphins, and been to T-ball practice.  We have managed to do Math, science fair research, reading, and writing in! 

As a family, we worked at the Florida Baptist Children's Home last week doing some yard work and clean up.  It was a great family experience and time well spent!  One of the most relaxing things I have done in quit sometime is use the gas powered blower to blow leaves and debris out of the driveway, porch, and yard.  It was such a peaceful time for kidding...just relaxing!  My kids worked soo hard and then played with the sweet sweet residents.

We have yet another chore system in place...Each kid chose one room/large chore to be in charge of on a daily basis!  Emily chose the kitchen and since has switched to the bathroom...and the bathroom has stayed very nice!  John Daniel chose laundry and seriously, my son has washed all our clothes for the past week or so.  He leaves me strict directions at night to fold what is in the baskets.  Today I found a note with the word laundry on it...he had drawn three baskets around the couch and was planning on crossing the ones off that I folded...this morning he Xed all the baskets off and wrote WOW!  I'm not sure if this is healthy!!!  He is so detailed oriented...loves to complete a task!  He does the same thing about taking care of the chickens for his Dad, or cleaning the porch...

John Daniel is playing Tball and today he said, "Tball is just so fun!"

Emily and I had a grand time at the Mother/Daughter Tea at church...She LOVES doing things like that with me!  It is so worth the time and energy to see her smile like that!

More later including pictures!

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