My Favorite Four Plus One!

My heart belongs to these beautiful people~

Friday, September 16, 2011


I'm working on my words...using more words for lifting someone up, rather than tear them down.  I have to correct my children...there is no way around it but I don't want the sound of my voice to be a nagging bitter shrill that they hear day in and day out...I want our house to be encouraging, peaceful, and loving....I recieved an email today of encouragement and I know how much it lifted me up!  I want to go throughout the day not only correcting the wrong things they do in love but finding the great things they do as well.  Some of my favorite homeschooling moms have some signs up around their homes that help them remember to praise their children, love them, and give encouraging positive messages....There is a website that has free printables and I played on it tonight.  This lady gives some cute ideas about framing them and using a dry erase marker to write on them each are a few of my favorite!  I'm going to brighten up the dining room and change it up a bit....surprise the kids and rotate them in and out of frames~hoping it brings a smile or two!

These are not my own:  Check out her blog at

1 comment:

  1. Just spent the last 10 minutes printing most of them off. ;)
