My Favorite Four Plus One!

My heart belongs to these beautiful people~

Saturday, July 7, 2012

Daddy/Son Time

In April, John and John Daniel took off on a great overnight adventure.  John Daniel went on his first overnight hiking trip with his daddy!  They ventured off on the Florida Trail which is like the Appalachian Trail of Florida apparently.  We dropped them off on the side of the road down in Medart and they hiked about 9 miles I think.  They both had packs on their bike with water and emergency gear.  I cannot even explain how excited John Daniel was!

It felt so weird leaving them as they hiked off into the woods...

Bear poop!

John Daniel had never stayed in John's two man tent and had never eaten a rehydrated meal...he said the food was great!

They had a great exciting rather scary story to tell when we picked them up.  Early the next morning while fixing breakfast, they heard a loud crashing noise of branches and brush being trampled by something running fast through the woods.  John grabbed his gun, gave J.D. a stick, and told John Daniel to get behind him.  He told John Daniel if he had to shoot his gun it was going to be loud and to stay behind him and use the stick if he needed to.  As the sound got closer and closer, John drew his gun ready to protect his son and himself.  The black creature came close, they could see a long tail and long legs but not the face.  It darted into the woods the other way once it noticed humans.  John thought it was a large wild dog, someone else told him it could have been a black coyote or maybe a large wild boar.  We still aren't real sure but John said his heart hasn't beat that fast in awhile! 

We found them on the side of the road the next day by the Wakulla, tired, thirsty and with ticks all over them...YUCK!  They had so much fun though!  And J.D. can't wait to do it again!

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