My Favorite Four Plus One!

My heart belongs to these beautiful people~

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Our family's administrative assistant

So I am glad that administration is one of my spiritual gifts! I feel as if sometimes I am drowning in paper work, scheduling, phone calls to make, etc. My family needs a secretary...oh wait that is me! I am slightly type A when it comes to scheduling and my calendar and paper organization. I go through the mail immediately, throw all junk mail away and file everything else. I can't stand miscellaneous papers lying around on tables etc. When the kids bring papers home I immediately go through what I want to keep and write down dates and such in my calendar and throw everything else away. I keep a calendar by the computer and a calendar with me at all times. I write everything down in my calendar. If I was to loose it, I wouldn't know where to begin. I place coupons in a special folder, I get rid of invitations to parties or newspapers or unwanted papers, bill statements as soon as possible. Many times I have thrown away papers that John wanted to keep but I just hate all the junk! I am pretty precise about making phone calls. I make everyone's doctor's appts way in advance. I know when everyone needs to be somewhere, I know super far in advance what our schedule is. This is important because of working shift work. I took about 30 minutes yesterday and went through a stack of important papers that I had been keeping and organized it all. It feels so good when I am done! It really is at least a part-time job keeping all that organized and making sure our schedule runs smoothly. I guess most moms feel like they are some what of a secretary...I just tend to thrive off of it to some extent. It gives me a high when everything is organized, everyone is scheduled appropriately, all bills are paid, papers are filed, and calls are made. Too bad I am not the same way with the laundry in the house....speaking of that my couch is full of clean laundry....let me get off the computer and go fold!!!!

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