My Favorite Four Plus One!

My heart belongs to these beautiful people~

Friday, April 17, 2009

sick babies

Last night, Molly ended up with a congested nose and having a hard time breathing through her cute little nose ALL through the night. I am thankful that it did not make her fussy and she does not have a fever but it is so sad to me to hear her trying to breath through her nose and then sputtering to get the drainage up and she hates being suctioned like every baby does! I don't think Emily was sick until after she turned one and I think John Daniel got his first cold around 6 months old. Both kiddos have been blowing their noses and stuffed up the past three days and I have done everything in my power to keep Molly well. We have washed hands, turned our heads when we cough and used magic soap but I guess it wasn't enough. I pray that her little stuffy nose won't last long!

1 comment:

  1. Ugh! I remember Ellie being so young (weeks old) when she got her first stuffy nose. We suctioned constantly but oddly enough Ellie liked it! I think she knew it was going to help her breathe :) In fact, just had to suction her nose again this AM. All the kids have colds again!! Hope she feels better soon!!!!!
