My Favorite Four Plus One!

My heart belongs to these beautiful people~

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Making a plan

My heart is to shepherd Emily and John Daniel 's heart and to teach them the Bible. I am very grateful that they both attend Christian schools but John and I both feel that our main purpose is to teach them about God ourselves and not leave that to their S.S. teachers or their schools. So lately I have been looking through my books, buying new ones, reading some online, and asking around as to what other parents do. I feel a little bit overwhelmed because there are so many ideas, so many different resources and so many things I want to share with them. I don't want to be hit or miss with it. I don't want it to be disorganized...I like to be organized!

Here are just my thoughts: This is very rough. These are just ideas that I am mulling over.

Scripture memory

Practicing worship

Bible as a history book/timeline..starting with the old testament

Teaching the Essence of God (who He is)...I have a study on this that includes stories and song.
(It explains God's sovereignty, righteousness, Justice, Love, Eternal Life, Omniscience, Omnipotence, Omnipresence, Immutability, and veracity. )

Prayer time


Application/devotional type study

Study on Heaven to go along with what our pastor is teaching on

So I just need to organize my thoughts and figure it all out! I am reading some great books right now though that have really helped me in my walk. I am soaking up some good stuff on my own right now that I just want to share with my kiddos!


  1. I am tellin' ya, you could be a homeschooler - hee, hee ;) A great book is Family Driven Faith. I can loan it to you if you are interested. . .

  2. That will probaby happen one day :) You would probably like the essence study and the Bible Timeline books that I have. My friend Becca gave them to me...her mom wrote them.

  3. My wish would be sooner rather than later . . . :) For purely selfish reasons I might add!
