My Favorite Four Plus One!

My heart belongs to these beautiful people~

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Messy Camp

John Daniel is attending Wildwood Church's Make a Mess Camp this week. It was a little bit more money for a week of camp that I would usually spend but it sounded so cool and I knew the teacher and knew she would do some cool things. It said in the ad for it..."all the messy things that are too messy to do at home!"....sounds perfect! It has been sooooo good for him. Finally he is the one that gets to do something by himself. He has been super excited and enjoyed every minute of it! The first day, they splatter painted t-shirts and then splatter painted the teacher! Today, they painted flower pots. Emily is too funny when he is gone..she misses him. She is not use to being here without him. Her and I are going school shopping tomorrow. John Daniel told me today that he wanted to "sign up for messy camp every time!"

Another funny quote from J.D. this week...."I have three girlfriends, the two Mackenzies, the one that stays in Madison and the one at church, and Maddie but I don't know which one is going to be my mom!" (I found out that this means the mom of his children)

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