My Favorite Four Plus One!

My heart belongs to these beautiful people~

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Our sphinx moth

We found these amazing caterpillars on our tomato bushes about 1 month ago. They looked like part of the leaf and were huge! They kept chomping away on the bushes and we ended up finding like 6 of them. We took the biggest two and put them inside my mom's butterfly cage. John looked them up on the Internet and found out they were sphinx moth caterpillars called a green horned caterpillar. They were really amazing. John found out that they bury themselves when they are ready to go into a cocoon so that was a little harder to accomplish inside the butterfly cage. We put some soil down in the bottom and they immediately started digging down in the soil. I really wasn't sure that they would do but to our surprise this morning, there was a big brown sphinx moth hanging on the side of the netting. We were all so excited. Our work with feeding them more tomato leaves and putting soil in the bottom had paid off. Now to let Mr. Moth go....First science project complete and all the info and pictures go into our science book!

1 comment:

  1. Isn't that one of the most amazing things to be a part of!!
