My Favorite Four Plus One!

My heart belongs to these beautiful people~

Thursday, August 19, 2010

The Wild Card

Or should I say Wild Woman!....Molly is certainly the wild card in my latest attempt to be organized, perfect, all together...etc...I seriously don't think you can do all that with a 1 year old!  She throws a wrench in everything, its a cute wrench but a wrench nonetheless.  She is into EVERYTHING!  She wants my attention, has decided not to take naps the past three days, and messes up all my organizing!  We are learning and I know that MANY women before me have had one year olds in the home and still have a successful day!  We are still learning and doing a lot of praying!

1 comment:

  1. Fun schooling with a toddler around, isn't it?!?! Patience, we are being taught patience. ;)
