My Favorite Four Plus One!

My heart belongs to these beautiful people~

Thursday, December 24, 2009

We have nothing to complain about

In talking to a very close friend the other night, I became very moved, convicted, stirred, and peaceful all at the same time. This topic deserves much more than I can give it at 12:19 am in the morning....but I wanted to write it down. Basically, our conversation went like this...We were discussing hurt feelings, being misunderstood, and unmet expectations...and both came to the conclusion that we have NO RIGHT to hold on to hurt feelings or saddened hearts or anger in light of Jesus Christ and what He did for us. We were specifically speaking of relationships and how it really stinks when someone does you wrong and hurts you....even family members but in talking to her, we both realized that the relationship we have with Jesus Christ should "fill us up", we don't need affirmation, feelings of belonging, pick me ups, feelings of love from others so much that we let it sadden us if they do not fill that need IF we let Jesus Christ "fill us up." God gave his only son...a gift that was free, perfect to give us everything we need...we don't have the right to feel jealous, upset, mad, prideful although these things are human...HIS love is all we this awesome gift not enough??? The relationship I have with him is enough to get me past hurt feelings, unmet expectations, jealousy, and pride. I felt a peace after our conversation. Thanks Becca for helping me remember these things that I already knew!

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