My Favorite Four Plus One!

My heart belongs to these beautiful people~

Wednesday, November 3, 2010


National Novel Writing Month....that's what November is...and I never knew that before this year.  The great loop of homeschooling sent out a suggestion and website about the National Novel Writing Month challenge and it sounded fun and a great way to get Emily writing and a way to funnel her creativity onto paper.  The deal is...Emily writes in a notebook everyday for 30 days...writes about anything she wants, disregards punctuation, spelling, grammer, etc.  It's all about creativity and letting your mind soar...Emily writes it in a notebook and I type it out for her, keeping up with her word count.  We enter the word count every day or so.  She picked 500 words.  She has to meet her word count by November 30th at midnight.  Then, if I understand it right, the NaNoWriMo Young Writers Program gives you several months to correct, revise, and edit your novel.  Then it is somehow turned over to Amazon through a grant type program and the child picks a book cover, it is given an ISBN number, and published and put on Amazon for sale...I know there are some hoops that we must have to jump through but I saw one of the homeschool kids' books that did this last year and sure enough it is listed on the Amazon book list...I don't want to spoil it for you but so far Emily's three pages of writing has something to do with Lena the dog giving her perspective of the world in which she will somehow end up in Washington DC after taking a car ride and plane ride...I think Uncle Nic might be in the Novel somehow...and I just love that Lena the dog might end up seeing some of the monuments that we are studying in history...makes a mommy happy...she loves writing and I had to make her stop today because we needed to do other school subjects...I think she will go way over 500 words.  Happy Novel Writing Month!

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