My Favorite Four Plus One!

My heart belongs to these beautiful people~

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

John Daniel's Baptism

Sunday was a special day...John Daniel was baptized by Pastor Mark and John.  This was a long process of discussion and prayer since December of last year.  We've prayed with him, read a book about what's next after becoming a Christian and he and John have had numerous discussions.  He also went and talked to our Pastor.  John Daniel said he was ready and that he wanted to "show" everyone, his family, his church family and others that he had accepted Jesus and asked for forgiveness of his sins.  John and I didn't feel like we could tell him no any longer......When I prayed about it and asked God to give me assurance that my son was ready, I felt like God was telling me that it was a growing process, that none of us are through learning and growing and we certainly don't "know everything" about following God's will and becoming more like Christ.  John Daniel has said numerous times and has been persistent in his questions and desire to be baptized so that was that...I've thought about this a good bit...It would be strange for a child like many that grow up in a loving, nurturing home where Jesus and God are talked about and taught about on a fairly regular basis to NOT want to have this assurance and a Savior.  It excites me but frightens me all the same....My greatest desire is for my children to know God for themselves, for Him to be their Savior and for them to depend on Him because they want to and not because that is what Daddy and Mommy job now (I think) is to help them discover this and nurture this as they grow in more and more in love and in knowledge.  One of the coolest things was the week before J.D. was baptized... we read over the story and the events leading up to the Baptism of Jesus as a family.  It was very special and I really truly believe that John Daniel knows and wanted to follow Jesus' example and act in obedience. 

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