My Favorite Four Plus One!

My heart belongs to these beautiful people~

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Wakulla Springs State Park

I haven't been to Wakulla Springs State Park in several years and I guess the last time I went, it was crowded and such and it left a sour taste in my mouth.  We were planning a play date with friends we haven't seen all summer today and my friend asked if we wanted to go to Wakulla Springs.  I usually don't do things like that without John...I depend on him so much but I said yes.  She had said that there were some manatees that had been spending the summer there.  So we left today around 10 am and didn't return until almost 6 pm.  That's right folks...ALL DAY!  We had so much fun!  It was hot but the water was so nice...clear and beautiful in my opinion.  There were people but not too many...we got a spot right by the water front in some shade.  The kids all played fantastically together and I even got to relax...I was peaceful and had a lot of fun myself!  I don't know if I have told you before but Molly is SOOOOO much better when we are out and about.  John and I have both noticed.  At home she constantly gets in trouble, whines, and acts out.  Maybe not constantly but she presses every button I have....when we are out and doing things and spending time outdoors, she is an angel or I would not have stayed there for 6 hours!  She just played in the water about knee deep with her tube and sand toys, ate some snacks, floated, and had fun!  We all (minus Molly) went off the top platform...if you are from Tally or anywhere nearby, you know what I am talking about.  We asked the lifeguard how tall it was and he said 13 feet but I think that is just the platform by itself.  Emily got up there and walked back down so I asked her if she wanted me to go with her and she said yes.  I had not even been in the water yet but I decided what the heck....Standing on the platform looking down is so scary!  We counted to three and I jumped....she still didn't jump but I waited in the water awhile and she finally did it!  Then she went off of it like 15 more times and so did John Daniel.  We even took the little girls out to the platforms and saw one manatee coming up for air and some water snakes!  Afterwards, we all had ice cream...John called finally to ask where we were we had been gone so long!  It was just a nice refreshing day....not bad for $6 entrance fee and $10 worth of ice cream!  I was even thinking about going back for a back to school picnic/cook out and inviting a bunch of families to join was that nice!

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