My Favorite Four Plus One!

My heart belongs to these beautiful people~

Monday, October 5, 2009

Surprise, Surprise!

This is a post for my mother. The surprise is.....WE are RECYCLING at my house!!! Confession...I have not been a recycler (if that is a word). John got mad at the recycle man about 9 years ago and well I am lazy in that department and have never felt the need to add one more step in my cleaning up process so we have not been green by any means at our house. My mother has told me for years that I needed to...she couldn't believe I would not recycle after doing a science project in Middle School on the landfill and after my visit to the actual landfill. She would tell the kids how great it was to recycle and get them to throw hints at me. I really don't have any good excuse except that my kitchen isn't near my garage and I didn't want green bins in the kitchen and it is just one more step in the cleaning up process...etc etc. My babysitter and cousin use to come to babysit and take the recycling with her b/c she knew I would throw it away! So I don't really know what happen over night...John and I at the same time just kind of decided to do it today and got it all set up in the garage so it can be as easy as possible. We even printed out the "Recycling Rules" off the county's website so we know exactly what is o.k. and not o.k. to recycle and posted it above the bins. I Hope this will prevent another run in with John and the recycle man! I don't really know what spurred it on....guess it just had to be our idea!!?!?!? So I took this picture today specifically for my mother! However, I will point out that we have "greener" cars, use less water for bathing and do not wash dishes twice like some people we know! HA HA HA!

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